Electrocute Rune League of Legends 2024
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities within 3s deals bonus adaptive damage.
Damage: 30 - 220 (+0.1 bonus AD, +0.05 AP) damage.
Cooldown: 25 - 20s
'We called them the Thunderlords, for to speak of their lightning was to invite disaster.'
Other runes
- Eyeball Collection
- Conditioning
- Phase Rush
- Triple Tonic
- Precision
- Sudden Impact
- Second Wind
- Revitalize
- Domination
- Legend: Tenacity
- Hextech Flashtraption
- Press the Attack
- Transcendence
- Perfect Timing
- Cut Down
- Arcane Comet
- Shield Bash
- Manaflow Band
- Cash Back
- Glacial Augment
- Last Stand
- Zombie Ward
- First Strike
- Unflinching
- Legend: Bloodline
- Resolve
- Nullifying Orb
- Relentless Hunter
- Minion Dematerializer
- Gathering Storm
- Dark Harvest
- Legend: Alacrity
- Triumph
- Overgrowth
- Summon Aery
- Nimbus Cloak