Approach Velocity Rune League of Legends 2025
Gain 7.5% Move Speed towards nearby enemy champions that are movement impaired. This bonus is increased to 15% Move Speed for any enemy champion that you impair.
Activation Range for CC from allies: 1000
Other runes
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- Arcane Comet
- Summon Aery
- Absorb Life
- Precision
- Conqueror
- Press the Attack
- Relentless Hunter
- Revitalize
- Absolute Focus
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Fleet Footwork
- Phase Rush
- Transcendence
- Magical Footwear
- Demolish
- Dark Harvest
- Perfect Timing
- Unsealed Spellbook
- Press the Attack
- Minion Dematerializer
- Inspiration
- Sudden Impact
- Nimbus Cloak
- Aftershock
- Electrocute
- Bone Plating
- Hail of Blades
- Nullifying Orb