TFT set 13: Heimerdinger Sentinel team comp build


Guide build Heimerdinger Sentinel tft set 13 team comp, items, traits patch 13.6 new.

Heimerdinger Sentinel overview

  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Academy Academy
  • Rebel Rebel
  • Scrap Scrap
  • Artillerist Artillerist
  • Junker King Junker King
  • Visionary Visionary
Heimerdinger Sentinel
  • Core carry champion: Heimerdinger
  • Core tank champion: Illaoi
  • Second damage: Corki
  • Second tank & add damage: Rumble

Heimerdinger Sentinel units

  • Irelia Irelia(1 gold): Rebel - Sentinel
  • Leona Leona(2 gold): Sentinel - Academy
  • Rell Rell(2 gold): Visionary - Conqueror - Sentinel
  • Ezreal Ezreal(3 gold): Academy - Rebel - Artillerist
  • Loris Loris(3 gold): Enforcer - Sentinel
  • Corki Corki(4 gold): Scrap - Artillerist
  • Heimerdinger Heimerdinger(4 gold): Visionary - Academy
  • Illaoi Illaoi(4 gold): Rebel - Sentinel
  • Rumble Rumble(5 gold): Scrap - Sentinel - Junker King

How to play Heimerdinger Sentinel

Early Game Build


Mid Game Build


Late Game Build

Heimerdinger Sentinel Heimerdinger Sentinel team comp late game

Heimerdinger Sentinel Items priority

Heimerdinger tft Heimerdinger
Item Rank
Blue Buff Blue Buff
Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade
Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff
Illaoi tft Illaoi
Item Rank
Dragon's Claw Dragon's Claw
Redemption Redemption
Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor
Corki tft Corki
Item Rank
Last Whisper Last Whisper
Infinity Edge Infinity Edge
Recurve Bow Recurve Bow
Rumble tft Rumble
Item Rank
Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
Ionic Spark Ionic Spark
Crownguard Crownguard

Heimerdinger Sentinel Augments

Sentinel CrestSentinel Crest

Gain a Sentinel Emblem and a Rell.

Piercing Lotus IPiercing Lotus I

Your team gains 5% Critical Strike chance, and their Abilities can critically strike. Critical strikes 20% Shred and Sunder the target for 3 seconds.

Sentinel CrownSentinel Crown

Gain a Sentinel Emblem, a Crownguard, and a Loris.

Shield BashShield Bash

Sentinels gain 8% bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Every 4 seconds, their next attack deals 85% of their total resistances as magic damage. Gain a Loris.