TFT Items Set 13 list

All TFT Items set 13, list tft items recipes patch 13.6 and more

Item Recipe Description

Frying Pan
Frying Pan
  • Provides plus-one team size

A 10 percent chance to drop one gold when the item holder dies.

Frying Pan
  • Provides plus-one team size

A 10 percent chance to drop one gold after 10 seconds of combat.

Red Buff Red Buff

Recurve Bow
Recurve Bow
  • 35% Attack Speed

Deal 6% bonus damage.

Attacks and Abilities 1% Burn and 33% Wound enemies for 5 seconds.

  • Burn: Deals a percent of the target's maximum Health as true damage every second
  • Wound: Reduces healing received

Steadfast Heart Steadfast Heart

Sparring Gloves
Chain Vest
  • +200 Health
  • +25 Armor
  • +20% Crit Chance

Take 8% less damage. While above 50% Health, take 15% less damage instead.

Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage

Giant's Belt
B.F. Sword
  • +150 Health
  • +15% Attack Damage

Once per combat at 60% Health, gain 25% max Health and 35% Attack Damage.

Crownguard Crownguard

Needlessly Large Rod
Chain Vest
  • +20 Armor
  • +20 AP
  • +100 Healh

Combat start: Gain a 25% max Health Shield for 8 seconds.

When the shield expires, gain 35 Ability Power.

Evenshroud Evenshroud

Negatron Cloak
Giant's Belt
  • +150 Health
  • +20 Magic Resist

30% reduce Armor enemies within 2 hexes.

Gain 20 Armor and Magic Resist for the first 10 seconds of combat.

Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth

Recurve Bow
Giant's Belt
  • +150 Health
  • +10AP
  • +10% Attack Speed

After casting an Ability, gain 60% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.

Adaptive Helm Adaptive Helm

Tear of the Goddess
Negatron Cloak
  • +15 Mana
  • +10 AP
  • +20 Magic Resist

Combat Start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.

  • Front Two Rows: 35 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 1 Mana when struck by an attack.
  • Back Two Rows: 15 Ability Power. Gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds.

Infinity Edge Infinity Edge

Sparring Gloves
B.F. Sword
  • +35% AD
  • +35% Crit Chance

Ability can critically strike. If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.

Tactician's Crown Tactician's Crown

  • 10% chance to drop 1 gold when you win combat

Your team gains +1 maximum team size.

Quicksilver Quicksilver

Sparring Gloves
Negatron Cloak
  • +30% Attack Speed
  • +20% Crit Chance
  • +20 Magic Resist

Combat start: Grant immunity to crowd control for 14 seconds. During this time, gain 6% Attack Speed every 2 seconds.

Unique:- only 1 per champion.

Sunfire Cape Sunfire Cape

Giant's Belt
Chain Vest
  • +250 Health
  • +20 Armor

Every 2 seconds, deal 1% Burn and 33% Wound to an enemy within 2 hexes for 10 seconds.

  • Burn: Deals a percent of the target's maximum Health as true damage every second
  • Wound: Reduces healing received

Unique: only 1 per champion

Bramble Vest Bramble Vest

Chain Vest
Chain Vest
  • 55 Armor

Gain 5% max Health.

Take 8% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 100 magic damage to all adjacent enemies.

Cooldown: 2 seconds

Edge of Night Edge of Night

Chain Vest
B.F. Sword
  • +20 Armor
  • +10% AD

Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, gain 15% bonus Attack Speed.

Unique: Only One Per Champion

Dragon's Claw Dragon's Claw

Negatron Cloak
Negatron Cloak
  • +65 Magic Resist

Gain 9% max Health.

Every 2 seconds, regenerate 2.5% maximum Health.

Gargoyle Stoneplate Gargoyle Stoneplate

Negatron Cloak
Chain Vest
  • +25 Armor
  • +25 Magic Resist
  • +100 Health

Gain 10 Armor and 10 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.

Morellonomicon Morellonomicon

Needlessly Large Rod
Giant's Belt
  • +150 Health
  • +25 AP
  • +10% Attack Speed

Ability damage deals 1% Burn and 33% Wound to enemies for 10 seconds.

  • Burn: Deals a percent of the target's maximum Health as true damage every second
  • Wound: Reduces healing received

Unique: Only One Per Champion

Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff

Tear of the Goddess
Needlessly Large Rod
  • +20 AP
  • +15 Mana

Combat start: Gain 25 Ability Power every 5 seconds in combat.

Titan's Resolve Titan's Resolve

Recurve Bow
Chain Vest
  • +20 Armor
  • +10% Attack Speed

Gain 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times.

At full stacks, gain 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist.

Ionic Spark Ionic Spark

Negatron Cloak
Needlessly Large Rod
  • +100 Health
  • +25 Magic Resist
  • +15 AP

30% reduce Magic Resist enemies within 2 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, deal magic damage equal to 160% of their maximum Mana.

Spear of Shojin Spear of Shojin

Tear of the Goddess
B.F. Sword
  • +15% AD
  • +15AP
  • +15 Mana

Attacks grant 5 bonus Mana.

Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap

Needlessly Large Rod
Needlessly Large Rod
  • +50 AP

Deal 20% bonus damage.

Protector's Vow Protector's Vow

Tear of the Goddess
Chain Vest
  • +30 Mana
  • +20 Armor

Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% max Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds and gain 20 Armor and Magic Resist.

Deathblade Deathblade

B.F. Sword
B.F. Sword
  • +50% AD

Deal 8% bonus damage.

Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade

Needlessly Large Rod
B.F. Sword
  • +15 AP
  • +15% AD
  • +20% Omnivamp

Heal the lowest percent Health ally for 20% of damage dealt.

Bloodthirster Bloodthirster

Negatron Cloak
B.F. Sword
  • +15% AD
  • +15 AP
  • +20 Magic Resist
  • +20% Omnivamp

Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health Shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.

Thief's Gloves Thief's Gloves

Sparring Gloves
Sparring Gloves
  • +150 Health
  • +20% Critical Strike Chance

Each round: Equip 2 random items. Consumes 3 item slots.

Jeweled Gauntlet Jeweled Gauntlet

Sparring Gloves
Needlessly Large Rod
  • +35 AP
  • +35% Crit Chance

Abilities can critically strike.

If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.


Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor

Giant's Belt
Giant's Belt
  • +600 Health

Gain 12% max Health.

Redemption Redemption

Tear of the Goddess
Giant's Belt
  • +150 Health
  • +15 Mana

Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also take 10% less damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).



Giant Slayer Giant Slayer

Recurve Bow
B.F. Sword
  • +25% AD
  • +25 AP
  • +10% Attack Speed

Deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health.

Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv

Tear of the Goddess
Recurve Bow
  • +15 Mana
  • +15 AP
  • +15% Attack Speed

Every 3rd attack deals 35 magic damage and 30% Shreds 4 enemies for 5 seconds.

Shred: reduce Magic Resist

Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade

Recurve Bow
Needlessly Large Rod
  • +10% Attack Speed
  • +10 AP

Attacks grant 5% bonus Attack Speed.

Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane

Recurve Bow
Negatron Cloak
  • +25% AD
  • +10% Attack Speed
  • +20 Magic Resist

Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 55% Attack Damage as physical damage.

Last Whisper Last Whisper

Sparring Gloves
Recurve Bow
  • +15% AD
  • +20% Attack Speed
  • +20% Crit Chance

Physical damage 30% reduce Armor the target for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack.

Unique: Only One Per Champion

Guardbreaker Guardbreaker

Sparring Gloves
Giant's Belt
  • +10 AP
  • +20% Attack Speed
  • +20% Crit Chance
  • +150 Health

After damaging a Shield, deal 25% more damage for 3 seconds.

Blue Buff Blue Buff

Tear of the Goddess
Tear of the Goddess
  • +15 AP
  • +15% AD
  • +20 Mana

Max mana reduced by 10.

When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 10% more damage for 8 seconds.

Unique: Only One Per Champion

Hand of Justice Hand of Justice

Tear of the Goddess
Sparring Gloves
  • +15 Mana
  • +20% Crit Chance

Gain 2 effects:

  • 15% Attack Damage and 15 Ability Power.
  • 15% heal for some of damage dealt.

Each round, randomly double 1 of these effects.