Guardian Rune League of Legends 2024
Guard allies within 350 units of you, and allies you target with spells for 2.5s. While Guarding, if you or the ally take more than a small amount of damage over the duration of the Guard, both of you gain a shield for 1.5s.
Cooldown: 90 - 40 seconds
Shield: 45 - 120 + 12.5% of your ability power + 8% of your bonus health
Proc Threshold: 90 - 250 postmitigation damage
Other runes
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- Nimbus Cloak
- Unflinching
- Conqueror
- Magical Footwear
- Inspiration
- Triple Tonic
- Font of Life
- Biscuit Delivery
- Cheap Shot
- Legend: Alacrity
- Cash Back
- Revitalize
- Last Stand
- Second Wind
- Cut Down
- Celerity
- Minion Dematerializer
- Summon Aery
- Ingenious Hunter
- Shield Bash
- Hail of Blades
- Manaflow Band
- Electrocute
- Eyeball Collection
- Approach Velocity
- Domination
- Conditioning
- Ghost Poro
- Transcendence
- Predator