Build TFT Honeymancy team comp set 12

Guide build TFT Honeymancy teams comps set 12: items, synergies, units, stats patch 14.17 and more.

Info Honeymancy

Honeymancers gain Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals 7.5% of the Honeymancer's damage dealt and 2.5% of their damage taken.

When a Honeymancer dies, leave 1 Bee that follows nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.

  • (3) 3 Bees
  • (5) 6 Bees
  • (7) 9 Bees, 3 Bees survive instead

Honeymancy Units

  • Blitzcrank(1 gold) - Vanguard - Honeymancy
  • Ziggs(1 gold) - Incantor - Honeymancy
  • Kog'Maw(2 gold) - Hunter - Honeymancy
  • Nunu(2 gold) - Bastion - Honeymancy
  • Veigar(3 gold) - Mage - Honeymancy

Team comp Honeymancy

Ziggs Honeymancy Vanguard

  • Honeymancy Honeymancy
  • Vanguard Vanguard
  • Đòn Điện Giật
  • Huy Hiệu Tiên Phong
  • Dựng Khiên
  • Nhà Sưu Tầm Trang Bị II
  • Huy Hiệu Ong Mật
  • Ong Chí Cốt
  • Túi Đồ Siêu Hùng
  • Xúc Xắc Vô Tận I

Team comp Ziggs Honeymancy Vanguard Team comp Honeymancy tft set 12

Active champions: Ziggs Honeymancy Vanguard: TahmKench, Veigar, Mordekaiser, Nunu, Kog'Maw, Galio, Ziggs, Blitzcrank

Synergies: 5 Honeymancy, 4 Vanguard, , ,

  • Core damage: Blitzcrank + Veigar
  • Tanker: Ziggs + Tahm Kench

Kog'Maw Honeymancy reroll

  • Honeymancy Honeymancy
  • Hunter Hunter
  • Vanguard Vanguard
  • Bastion Bastion
  • Faerie Faerie
  • Blaster Blaster
  • Huy Hiệu Ong Mật
  • Ong Chí Cốt
  • Túi Đồ Siêu Hùng
  • Trang Bị Pandora II
  • Khỏe Mạnh Kép
  • Đấu Trường Hạng Ruồi
  • Vé Kim Cương

Team comp Kog'Maw Honeymancy reroll Team comp Honeymancy set 12

Active champions: Kog'Maw Honeymancy reroll: Veigar, Jinx, Tristana, Rumble, Nunu, Kog'Maw, Lillia, Blitzcrank

Synergies: 5 Honeymancy, 2 Hunter, 2 Vanguard, 2 Faerie, 2 Bastion, 2 Blaster

  • Core damage: Kog'Maw + Tristana
  • Tanker: Nunu + Rumble

Veigar 5 Honeymancy

  • Honeymancy Honeymancy
  • Mage Mage
  • Portal Portal
  • Bastion Bastion
  • Vanguard Vanguard
  • Best Friends Best Friends
  • Vương Miện Ong Mật
  • Hảo Ngọt
  • Huy Hiệu Ong Mật
  • Ong Chí Cốt
  • Túi Đồ Siêu Hùng
  • Trang Bị Pandora II
  • Lò Rèn Thần Thoại

Team comp Veigar 5 Honeymancy Team comp Honeymancy set 12

Active champions: Veigar 5 Honeymancy: Norra, Taric, Veigar, Nunu, Kog'Maw, Galio, Ziggs, Blitzcrank

Synergies: 5 Honeymancy, 3 Mage, 3 Portal, 2 Vanguard, 2 Bastion, 1 Best Friends

  • Core damage: Veigar + Norra
  • Tanker: Blitzcrank + Nunu

Sweet Tooth Nunu Honeymancy Bastion

  • Bastion Bastion
  • Honeymancy Honeymancy
  • Hảo Ngọt
  • Huy Hiệu Ong Mật
  • Ong Chí Cốt
  • Huy Hiệu Can Trường
  • Trùm Bản Đồ
  • Túi Đồ Siêu Hùng
  • Vương Miện Can Trường

Team comp Sweet Tooth Nunu Honeymancy Bastion Team comp Honeymancy tft set 12

Active champions: Sweet Tooth Nunu Honeymancy Bastion: Diana, Taric, Veigar, Shen, Hecarim, Nunu, Kog'Maw, Poppy

Synergies: 6 Bastion, 3 Honeymancy, , ,

  • Core damage: Nunu + Kog'Maw
  • Tanker: Veigar + Taric

How to play Honeymancy

play Honeymancy set 12 updating...

Honeymancy Augments

Some augments Honeymancy is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Honeymancy CrownHoneymancy Crown

Gain a Honeymancy emblem, a Gargoyle Stoneplate, and a Nunu.

Honeymancy CrestHoneymancy Crest

Gain a Honeymancy emblem and a Nunu.

Bee-st FriendsBee-st Friends

Honeymancers gain 1 more Bee. When Bees jump to a new Honeymancer, the Honeymancer gains a 25% max Health Shield. Gain a Blitzcrank and a Kog'Maw.

Tiny, but DeadlyTiny, but Deadly

Your units are 50% smaller, but move and attack 30% faster.

Heroic Grab BagHeroic Grab Bag

Gain 2 Lesser Champion Duplicators and 6 gold.

This item allows you to copy a 3-cost or less champion.

Two HealthyTwo Healthy

Your team gains 110 Health for each unique 2-cost champion on your board.


Your Tier 1 and 2 champions gain 15% Attack Speed and Move Speed.

Team BuildingTeam Building

Gain a Lesser Champion Duplicator. Gain another after 7 player combats.

This item allows you to copy a 3-cost or less champion.

Prismatic TicketPrismatic Ticket

Each time your Shop is rerolled, you have a 50% chance to gain a free reroll.

Items Honeymancy

  • Blitzcrank: Dragon's claw, Bramble vest, Warmog's armor
  • Ziggs: Spear of shojin, Red buff, Jeweled gauntlet
  • Kog'Maw: Spear of shojin, Last whisper, Infinity edge
  • Nunu: Bloodthirster, Archangel's staff, Warmog's armor
  • Veigar: Blue buff, Nashor's tooth, Jeweled gauntlet