TFT set 13: Renni Bruiser team comp build


Guide build Renni Bruiser tft set 13 team comp, items, traits patch 13.6 new.

Renni Bruiser overview

  • Bruiser Bruiser
  • Form Swapper Form Swapper
  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • Scrap Scrap
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
Renni Bruiser
  • Core carry champion: Renni
  • Core tank champion: Nunu
  • Second damage: Elise
  • Second tank & add damage: Vi

Renni Bruiser units

  • Steb Steb(1 gold): Enforcer - Bruiser
  • Trundle Trundle(1 gold): Scrap - Bruiser
  • Sett Sett(2 gold): Bruiser - Rebel
  • Gangplank Gangplank(3 gold): Pit Fighter - Form Swapper - Scrap
  • Nunu Nunu(3 gold): Experiment - Bruiser - Visionary
  • Renni Renni(3 gold): Bruiser - Chem Baron
  • Elise Elise(4 gold): Form Swapper - Bruiser - Black Rose
  • Vi Vi(4 gold): Enforcer - Pit Fighter

How to play Renni Bruiser

Early Game Build

Renni Bruiser team comp Renni Bruiser team comp early game

Mid Game Build

Renni Bruiser team comp Renni Bruiser team comp mid game

Late Game Build

Renni Bruiser Renni Bruiser team comp late game

Renni Bruiser Items priority

Renni tft Renni
Item Rank
Dragon's Claw Dragon's Claw
Talisman of Ascension Talisman of Ascension
Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor
Nunu tft Nunu
Item Rank
Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor
Dragon's Claw Dragon's Claw
Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor
Elise tft Elise
Item Rank
Spear of Shojin Spear of Shojin
Red Buff Red Buff
Jeweled Gauntlet Jeweled Gauntlet
Vi tft Vi
Item Rank
Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
Titan's Resolve Titan's Resolve
Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage

Renni Bruiser Augments

Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance

Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 60% increased max Health and Stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Bruiser CrownBruiser Crown

Gain a Bruiser Emblem, a Redemption, and a Sett.

Hunger For PowerHunger For Power

Combat start: Consume the nearest ally and gain 60% of their Health and Attack Damage.

Bruiser CrestBruiser Crest

Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Sett.

Heavily SmashHeavily Smash

Every 4 seconds, Bruisers deal 7% bonus max Health bonus physical damage on their next attack. Gain a Steb and a Trundle.