Graves Build S14: Runes and Items

Graves build guides runes and items season 14, skill order, counters and more with ggmeo

Guides Graves S14
Lane: Graves Jungle - Role: Marksman

Graves Runes

PrecisionFleet FootworkTriumphLegend: AlacrityCoup de Grace
InspirationMagical FootwearCosmic InsightOffenseOffenseFlex

Graves skill order

Graves Q QGraves E EGraves W W

Graves spells

Flash Smite

Graves core items

Youmuu's GhostbladeThe CollectorLord Dominik's Regards


Plated Steelcaps

Graves full build

Youmuu's GhostbladePlated SteelcapsThe CollectorLord Dominik's RegardsBloodthirsterMaw of Malmortius

Recommended Graves Rune

Precision Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace
Inspiration Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Offense Offense Flex

Graves Final Build

Recommended Graves Items

Youmuu's Ghostblade Plated Steelcaps The Collector Lord Dominik's Regards Bloodthirster Maw of Malmortius

Graves Items high win rate

Youmuu's Ghostblade Mercury's Treads Opportunity The Collector Edge of Night Black Cleaver