Ziggs TFT set 12 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Ziggs tft set 12 honeymancy items, team comps and stats, synergies Ziggs incantor patch 14.17 with ggmeo.

Ziggs tft set 12
  • Honeymancy Honeymancy
  • Incantor Incantor

Ability Ziggs

Bouncing Bee

Throws a bouncing bee at the farthest enemy. The bomb explodes on the first enemy hit dealing magic damage to the target and to all nearby enemies.

  • Magic Damage: 200% / 300% / 450%
  • Area Damage: 100% / 150% / 225%

Stats Ziggs

Ziggs dtcl Tăng Cost: 1 gold Origin: Honeymancy Class: Incantor
Mana 0/40
Health 450 / 810 / 1458
Armor 15
MR 15
Damage 40 / 60 / 90
DPS 28 / 42 / 63
Attack Speed 0.7
Range 4

Team comps Ziggs

Refer to some of the Ziggs set 12 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Ziggs items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Ziggs Honeymancy Vanguard

  • Honeymancy Honeymancy
  • Vanguard Vanguard
  • Zap Attack
  • Vanguard Crest
  • Shields Up
  • Item Collector II
  • Honeymancy Crest
  • Bee-st Friends
  • Heroic Grab Bag
  • Rolling For Days I

Ziggs Honeymancy Vanguard team comp

Active champions: Ziggs Honeymancy Vanguard: Blitzcrank, Ziggs, Veigar, Tahm Kench, Galio, Kog'Maw, Nunu, Mordekaiser,

Traits active: 5 Honeymancy, 4 Vanguard, , ,

  • Carry units: Blitzcrank, Veigar
  • Tank: Ziggs, Tahm Kench

Items Ziggs

Build items Ziggs set 12 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Spear of Shojin
Red Buff
Jeweled Gauntlet
1.74% 3.87 52.7% 16.8%
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet
Nashor's Tooth
1.11% 3.73 66.7% 21.6%
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet
0.97% 3.86 69.0% 24.4%

Synergie Ziggs

Incantor Ziggs Incantor

Your team gains 10 Ability power Ability Power.

When Incantors attack or cast, all Incantors gain stacks of Ability power up to 40. Every other attack grants 1 stack, and each Ability cast grants 3 stacks.

  • (2) 1 AP per stack
  • (4) 2 AP per stack; your team gains 30AP
Honeymancy Ziggs Honeymancy

Honeymancers gain Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals 7.5% of the Honeymancer's damage dealt and 2.5% of their damage taken.

When a Honeymancer dies, leave 1 Bee that follows nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.

  • (3) 3 Bees
  • (5) 6 Bees
  • (7) 9 Bees, 3 Bees survive instead

Gameplay Ziggs

gameplay Ziggs tft set 12 updating...

Above is the team comps Ziggs set 12 Incantor lineup and build items Ziggs tft patch 14.17 Honeymancy with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!