Hwei TFT set 12 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Hwei tft set 12 items, team comps and stats, synergies Hwei with ggmeo.

Hwei tft set 12
3 Gold
  • Frost Frost
  • Blaster Blaster

Ability Hwei

Subject: Storm

Paint a lightning bolt striking the target. A moment later the bolt strikes, dealing magic damage to the target and magic damage to adjacent enemies. Every 3rd cast, paint 2 extra bolts on the lowest percent Health enemies.

  • Bolt Damage: 125% / 190% / 305%
  • Area Damage: 40% of BoltDamage

Stats Hwei

Hwei dtcl Cost: 3 gold Origin: Frost Class: Blaster
Mana 0/40
Health 650 / 1170 / 2106
Armor 25
MR 25
Damage 35 / 53 / 79
DPS 26 / 40 / 59
Attack Speed 0.75
Range 4

Team comps Hwei

Refer to some of the Hwei set 12 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Hwei items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Hwei team comps set 12 updating...

Items Hwei

Build items Hwei set 12 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Spear of Shojin
Nashor's Tooth
Jeweled Gauntlet
% % %
Blue Buff
Nashor's Tooth
Rabadon's Deathcap
% % %
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet
% % %

Synergie Hwei

Blaster Hwei Blaster

Blasters gain Damage Amp, which increases for 3 seconds after casting their Ability.

  • (2) 15% DA; 30% during burst
  • (4) 35% DA; 60% during burst
  • (6) 60% DA; 100% during burst
Frost Hwei Frost

Frost champions gain Ability Power and Attack Damage. The first few enemies to die become allied ice soldiers which lure enemy attacks if they are within range and retargeting.

Soldiers have 300 Health per stage.

  • (3) 16 AD/AP, 1 soldier
  • (5) 35 AD/AP, 2 soldiers
  • (7) 50 AD/AP, 3 soldiers, soldiers explode on death
  • (9) 90 AD/AP, 4 soldiers, explosion power doubles

Gameplay Hwei

gameplay Hwei tft set 12 updating...

Above is the team comps Hwei set 12 Blaster lineup and build items Hwei tft patch 13.6 Frost with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!