Twitch TFT set 13 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Twitch tft set 13 experiment items, team comps and stats, synergies Twitch sniper patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Twitch tft set 13
4 Vàng
  • Experiment Experiment
  • Sniper Sniper

Ability Twitch

Spray and Pray Mana: 0/40

For the next 8 attacks, gain 85% Attack Speed, infinite range, and replace attacks with a piercing bolt that targets random enemies. Bolts deal 116/172/593 (Attack damage) physical damage, reduced by 40/40/20% for each enemy they pass through.

Experiment Bonus: After every 5 attacks, deal physical damage to the nearest enemy equal to 20% of their max Health.

Stats Twitch

Twitch dtcl Buff Cost: 4 gold Origin: Experiment Class: Sniper
Mana 0/40
Health 800/1440/2592
Armor 30
MR 30
Damage 70/105/158
DPS 53/79/118
Attack Speed 0.75
Range 4

Team comps Twitch

Refer to some of the Twitch set 13 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Twitch items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Twitch Sniper

  • Sniper Sniper
  • Experiment Experiment
  • Bruiser Bruiser
  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • Dominator Dominator
  • Automata Automata
  • The Mutation Survives
  • Sniper's Nest
  • Sniper Crest
  • Sniper Crown

Twitch Sniper team comp

Active champions: Twitch Sniper: Twitch, Dr. Mundo, Caitlyn, Elise, Maddie, Blitzcrank, Kog'Maw, Nunu, Jayce

Traits active: 4 Sniper, 3 Experiment, 2 Enforcer, 2 Bruiser, 2 Automata, 2 Dominator

  • Carry units: Twitch, Caitlyn
  • Tank: Dr. Mundo, Elise

Twitch Bruiser

  • Bruiser Bruiser
  • Experiment Experiment
  • Sniper Sniper
  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • Heavily Smash
  • Bruiser Crest
  • Bruiser Crown
  • Pandora's Items II
  • You Have My Bow

Twitch Bruiser team comp

Active champions: Twitch Bruiser: Twitch, Dr. Mundo, Caitlyn, Elise, Steb, Trundle, Sett, Nunu, Renni

Traits active: 6 Bruiser, 3 Experiment, 2 Enforcer, 2 Sniper,

  • Carry units: Twitch, Caitlyn
  • Tank: Dr. Mundo, Elise

Twitch Experiment

  • Experiment Experiment
  • Sniper Sniper
  • Dominator Dominator
  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • Bruiser Bruiser
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
  • The Mutation Survives
  • Sniper's Nest
  • Sniper Crest

Twitch Experiment team comp

Active champions: Twitch Experiment: Twitch, Dr. Mundo, Caitlyn, Nunu, Zyra, Urgot, Elise, Vi, Mordekaiser

Traits active: 5 Experiment, 2 Sniper, 2 Enforcer, 2 Dominator, 2 Pit Fighter, 2 Bruiser

  • Carry units: Twitch, Caitlyn
  • Tank: Dr. Mundo, Nunu

Items Twitch

Build items Twitch set 13 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Red Buff
Infinity Edge
0.57% 4.60 51.9% 2.88%
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Last Whisper
Infinity Edge
0.45% 4.64 49.4% 11.4%
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Giant Slayer
Infinity Edge
3.26% 5.03 23.6% 1.87%

Anomalies Twitch

Eagle EyeEagle Eye

Gain +1 Range. Every 2 seconds this champion doesn't move, gain 6% Attack Damage.


This champion's first attack against a new target fires a Dragonsoul blast, dealing 20% max Health true damage.

Strength TrainingStrength Training

Gain 20% Attack Damage. Every 2 times they attack, your team gains 3% Attack Damage.

Synergie Twitch

Sniper Twitch Sniper

Snipers deal more damage to targets farther away.

  • (2) 7% damage per hex
  • (4) 16% damage per hex
  • (6) 35% damage per hex and +5 Attack Range

Experiment Twitch Experiment

Gain Laboratory hexes on your board.

Combat start: Experiments standing on Laboratory hexes gain the Experiment bonuses of all Experiments on Laboratory hexes, plus max Health.

  • (3) 2 Laboratories, 100 Health
  • (5) 3 Laboratories, 200 Health
  • (7) Experiment bonuses increase by 100%

Gameplay Twitch

gameplay Twitch tft set 13 updating...

Above is the team comps Twitch set 13 Sniper lineup and build items Twitch tft patch 13.6 Experiment with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!