Tristana TFT set 13 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Tristana tft set 13 emissary items, team comps and stats, synergies Tristana artillerist patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Tristana tft set 13
2 Vàng
  • Emissary Emissary
  • Artillerist Artillerist

Ability Tristana

Draw a Bead Mana: 20/60

Fire a cannonball at target, dealing 271/406/611 (AD) physical damage. If they die, the cannonball ricochets to the nearest enemy, dealing the overkill damage. When it does, permanently gain 1% Attack Damage.

Stats Tristana

Tristana dtcl Cost: 2 gold Origin: Emissary Class: Artillerist
Mana 20/60
Health 550/990/1782
Armor 20
MR 20
Damage 42/63/95
DPS 29/44/66
Attack Speed 0.75
Range 4

Team comps Tristana

Refer to some of the Tristana set 13 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Tristana items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Tristana Emissary Artillerist

  • Emissary Emissary
  • Artillerist Artillerist
  • Conqueror Conqueror
  • Artillerist Crown
  • Rocket Collection
  • Artillerist Crest

Tristana Emissary Artillerist team comp

Active champions: Tristana Emissary Artillerist: Tristana, Garen, Corki, Ambessa, Urgot, Ezreal, Scar, Nami,

Traits active: 4 Emissary, 4 Artillerist, , 2 Conqueror,

  • Carry units: Tristana, Corki
  • Tank: Garen, Ambessa

Tristana Artillerist Sentinel

  • Artillerist Artillerist
  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Rebel Rebel
  • Emissary Emissary
  • Artillerist Crown
  • Rocket Collection
  • Artillerist Crest
  • Sentinel Crest

Tristana Artillerist Sentinel team comp

Active champions: Tristana Artillerist Sentinel: Tristana, Leona, Urgot, Illaoi, Irelia, Rell, Ezreal, Corki,

Traits active: 4 Artillerist, 4 Sentinel, 1 Emissary, 3 Rebel,

  • Carry units: Tristana, Urgot
  • Tank: Leona, Illaoi

Items Tristana

Build items Tristana set 13 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Last Whisper
Infinity Edge
% % %
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Infinity Edge
Giant Slayer
% % %
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Infinity Edge
Gold Collector
% % %

Anomalies Tristana


This champion gains 15% Attack Speed. Every 1 kills, they permanently gain 1% more (doubled in Hyper Roll).

Cull The WeakCull The Weak

Gain up to 100% Critical Strike Chance based on target's missing Health. Every 3 seconds, target the lowest percent Health enemy in range.

Comeback StoryComeback Story

Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.

Synergie Tristana

Artillerist Tristana Artillerist

Every 5 attacks, Artillerists launch a rocket that deals 125% Attack Damage around the target. They also gain Attack Damage.

  • (2) 10% AD
  • (4) 45% AD
  • (6) 60% AD, Launch a rocket every 5 attacks that deals double damage.

Emissary Tristana Emissary

This trait is active only when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Emissaries.

  • (1) Gain that Emissary's bonus
  • (4) Gain all bonuses. Emissaries gain 300 Health and 30% Damage Amp.

Ambessa: Allies gain 2 Armor and Magic Resist for each opponent defeated.

Garen: On Combat Start, Garen and allies to his left and right gain 20% of his max Health.

Nami: Allies' attacks grant 2 bonus Mana.

Tristana: Allies gain 6% Attack Speed per star level.

Gameplay Tristana

gameplay Tristana tft set 13 updating...

Above is the team comps Tristana set 13 Artillerist lineup and build items Tristana tft patch 13.6 Emissary with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!