Form Swapper TFT set 13: Build team comps

Guide build TFT Form Swapper teams comps set 13: items, synergies, units, stats patch 13.6 and more.

Form Swapper TFT set 13: Build team comps

Info Form Swapper

Innate: Form Swappers change their stats and ability based on if they're placed in the front 2 rows or back 2 rows.

Frontline Form Swappers gain Durability. Backline Form Swappers gain Damage Amp.

  • (2) 15% Durability or 20% Damage Amp
  • (4) 30% Durability or 40% Damage Amp

Form Swapper Units

  • Gangplank(3 gold) - Pit Fighter - Form Swapper - Scrap
  • Swain(3 gold) - Sorcerer - Form Swapper - Conqueror
  • Elise(4 gold) - Form Swapper - Bruiser - Black Rose
  • Jayce(5 gold) - Form Swapper - Academy

Team comp Form Swapper

Swain Form Swapper + Gangplank

  • Form Swapper Form Swapper
  • Sorcerer Sorcerer
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
  • Conqueror Conqueror
  • Bruiser Bruiser
  • Visionary Visionary
  • Bronze For Life II
  • Why Not Both
  • Bronze For Life I
  • Pandora's Items II
  • Pandora's Bench

Team comp Swain Form Swapper + Gangplank Team comp Form Swapper tft set 13

Active champions: Swain Form Swapper + Gangplank: Jayce, Vi, Elise, Swain, Nunu, Nami, Gangplank, Rell

Synergies: 4 Form Swapper, 2 Sorcerer, 2 Pit Fighter, 2 Bruiser, 2 Conqueror, 2 Visionary

  • Core damage: Gangplank + Jayce
  • Tanker: Swain + Elise

Swain Form Swapper + Gangplank Pit Fighter

  • Form Swapper Form Swapper
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
  • Conqueror Conqueror

Team comp Swain Form Swapper + Gangplank Pit Fighter Team comp Form Swapper set 13

Active champions: Swain Form Swapper + Gangplank Pit Fighter: Jayce, Jayce, Vi, Elise, Swain, Gangplank, Urgot, Draven

Synergies: 4 Form Swapper, 4 Pit Fighter, 2 Conqueror, ,

  • Core damage: Gangplank + Vi
  • Tanker: Swain + Elise

How to play Form Swapper

play Form Swapper set 13 updating...

Anomalies Form Swapper

Deep RootsDeep Roots

Gain 700 Health, 25 Armor, and 25 Magic Resist. They cannot move or be stunned, and pull their target into range.

Slow CookerSlow Cooker

Every second, deal magic damage in a 1-hex radius equal to 4% of their max Health. Radius increases every 6 seconds.

Comeback StoryComeback Story

Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.

Cosmic RhythmCosmic Rhythm

No longer gain Mana but instead cast their Ability every 4 seconds.

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Legacy Of ShurimaLegacy Of Shurima

After 10 seconds of combat, ascend, gaining 40% max Health and 60% Attack Speed

Magic ExpertMagic Expert

This champion gains 40% more Ability Power from all sources.


Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Nothing WastedNothing Wasted

When an ally dies, gain 100% of their current Mana.

Energy AbsorptionEnergy Absorption

Gain 30 Ability Power. Each time an ally dies, gain 5% of their Ability Power.

Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance

Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 60% increased max Health and Stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Diving InDiving In

On first cast, leap to enemies and stun in a 2-hex radius for 1.5 seconds and gain 35% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp.

Cull The WeakCull The Weak

Gain up to 100% Critical Strike Chance based on target's missing Health. Every 3 seconds, target the lowest percent Health enemy in range.

Eagle EyeEagle Eye

Gain +1 Range. Every 2 seconds this champion doesn't move, gain 6% Attack Damage.


Combat start: Gain 225 Armor and Magic Resist. Every second, reduce this bonus by 10.

Form Swapper Augments

Some augments Form Swapper is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Pandora's Items IIPandora's Items II

Round start: items on your bench are randomized.

Gain 2 random components.

Why Not BothWhy Not Both

While you field 2 of the same Form Swapper in different forms, both gain 27 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist, and 27% Attack Damage. When you 3-star a Form Swapper, gain a 2-star copy. Gain a Swain and Gangplank.

Items Form Swapper

  • Gangplank: Guinsoo's rageblade, Last whisper, Infinity edge
  • Swain: Spear of shojin, Jeweled gauntlet, Guardbreaker
  • Elise: Gargoyle stoneplate, Ionic spark, Warmog's armor
  • Jayce: Spear of shojin, Last whisper, Infinity edge