Jayce TFT set 13 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Jayce tft set 13 academy items, team comps and stats, synergies Jayce form swapper patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Jayce tft set 13
5 Vàng
  • Academy Academy
  • Form Swapper Form Swapper

Ability Jayce

Special Delivery / Hexcrystal Destruction Mana: 40/90

Jayce Special Delivery: Mana 40/90

Passive: Summon a placeable Hextech Forge. On cast, the 3 allies closest to it gain 200/275/1800 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds. If it's dead, revive it with 100% Health.

Active: Summon 2 Hexgates and knock target into one of them, dealing 600/600/3000 (Attack damage) physical damage and sending them flying back to their original position. While flying, they deal 250/250/2000 (Attack damage) physical damage to all other enemies in the path.

Jayce Hexcrystal Destruction: Mana 30/80

Passive: Summon a placeable Hextech Forge. On cast, the 3 allies closest to it gain 30/40/300% (Ability power) Attack Speed for 3 seconds. If it's dead, revive it with 100% Health.

Active: Throw unstable crystals at the 3/3/20 nearest enemies. Deal 563/844/2430 (Attack damage) physical damage to the nearest enemy, causing a chain reaction of explosions that deal 360/540/2025 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies within 1 hex of each crystal. Enemies hit by an explosion take 50% less damage from subsequent explosions this cast.

Stats Jayce

Jayce dtcl Cost: 5 gold Origin: Academy Class: Form Swapper
Mana 40/90
Health 1200/2160/3888
Armor 60
MR 60
Damage 90/135/203
DPS 72/108/162
Attack Speed 0.80
Range 1

Team comps Jayce

Refer to some of the Jayce set 13 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Jayce items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Jayce Academy Form Swapper

  • Academy Academy
  • Form Swapper Form Swapper
  • Visionary Visionary
  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Sorcerer Sorcerer
  • Conqueror Conqueror
  • Academy Crown
  • Academy Crest
  • Academic Research

Jayce Academy Form Swapper team comp

Active champions: Jayce Academy Form Swapper: Jayce, Leona, Heimerdinger, Illaoi, Lux, Rell, Ezreal, Swain,

Traits active: 5 Academy, 2 Form Swapper, 2 Sentinel, 2 Visionary, 2 Conqueror, 2 Sorcerer

  • Carry units: Jayce, Heimerdinger
  • Tank: Leona, Illaoi

Items Jayce

Build items Jayce set 13 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Spear of Shojin
Last Whisper
Infinity Edge
4.62% 4.25 57.5% 18.6%
Spear of Shojin
Infinity Edge
Giant Slayer
0.90% 4.33 54.1% 15.2%
Titan's Resolve
Sterak's Gage
1.15% 4.33 51.8% 16.4%

Anomalies Jayce


Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Cosmic RhythmCosmic Rhythm

No longer gain Mana but instead cast their Ability every 4 seconds.

removed 12.24

Nothing WastedNothing Wasted

When an ally dies, gain 100% of their current Mana.

Comeback StoryComeback Story

Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.

Deep RootsDeep Roots

Gain 700 Health, 25 Armor, and 25 Magic Resist. They cannot move or be stunned, and pull their target into range.

Synergie Jayce

Form Swapper Jayce Form Swapper

Innate: Form Swappers change their stats and ability based on if they're placed in the front 2 rows or back 2 rows.

Frontline Form Swappers gain Durability. Backline Form Swappers gain Damage Amp.

  • (2) 15% Durability or 20% Damage Amp
  • (4) 30% Durability or 40% Damage Amp

Academy Jayce Academy

The Academy sponsors 3 items each game.

Copies of sponsored items grant bonus max Health and Damage Amp. Academy units holding sponsored items gain double the amount, plus an additional 5% Health and Damage Amp.

  • (3) 2% Health and Damage Amp, gain 1 sponsored item.
  • (4) 3% Health and Damage Amp, gain 1 sponsored item.
  • (5) 5% Health and Damage Amp, gain 1 sponsored item.
  • (6) 9% Health and Damage Amp.

Gameplay Jayce

gameplay Jayce tft set 13 updating...

Above is the team comps Jayce set 13 Form Swapper lineup and build items Jayce tft patch 13.6 Academy with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!