Lux TFT set 13 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Lux tft set 13 academy items, team comps and stats, synergies Lux sorcerer patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Lux tft set 13
1 Vàng
  • Academy Academy
  • Sorcerer Sorcerer

Ability Lux

Prismatic Barrier Mana: 0/50

Grant 160/180/240 (AP) Shield to the lowest current Health ally. Lux's next attack deals 360/540/900 (AP) bonus magic damage.

Stats Lux

Lux dtcl Cost: 1 gold Origin: Academy Class: Sorcerer
Mana 0/50
Health 500/900/1620
Armor 20
MR 20
Damage 30/45/68
DPS 21/31/47
Attack Speed 0.70
Range 4

Team comps Lux

Refer to some of the Lux set 13 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Lux items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Lux Sentinel

  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Rebel Rebel
  • Academy Academy
  • Sorcerer Sorcerer
  • Visionary Visionary
  • Mage Armor
  • Ultimate Hero
  • Academy Crest
  • Lone Hero
  • Sentinel Crest

Lux Sentinel team comp

Active champions: Lux Sentinel: Lux, Leona, Zoe, Illaoi, Irelia, Singed, Rell, Loris, Heimerdinger

Traits active: 6 Sentinel, 3 Rebel, 2 Sorcerer, 3 Academy, , 2 Visionary

  • Carry units: Lux, Zoe
  • Tank: Leona, Illaoi

Lux Academy

  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Academy Academy
  • Rebel Rebel
  • Sorcerer Sorcerer
  • Artillerist Artillerist
  • Emissary Emissary
  • Ultimate Hero
  • Academy Crown
  • Academy Crest
  • Academic Research

Lux Academy team comp

Active champions: Lux Academy: Lux, Leona, Ezreal, Irelia, Zyra, Rell, Illaoi, Rumble, Zoe

Traits active: 4 Sentinel, 3 Academy, 2 Sorcerer, 3 Rebel, 1 Emissary, 2 Artillerist

  • Carry units: Lux, Ezreal
  • Tank: Leona, Irelia

Items Lux

Build items Lux set 13 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Spear of Shojin
Nashor's Tooth
Archangel's Staff
4.40% 4.45 48.2% 8.91%
Archangel's Staff
Archangel's Staff
2.59% 4.38 54.7% 11.7%
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet
Nashor's Tooth
3.06% 4.53 44.9% 8.30%

Anomalies Lux

Mage ArmorMage Armor

Gain Armor and Magic Resist equal to 50% of Ability Power.

Kill StreakKill Streak

Gain 30 Mana each kill.

Ultimate HeroUltimate Hero

After 3 rounds, star up a 3-star 1-cost champion to 4 stars!

Lone HeroLone Hero

Your last surviving unit gains 140% Attack Speed and 35% Durability

Synergie Lux

Sorcerer Lux Sorcerer

Your team gains 10 Ability Power. Sorcerers gain more.

  • (2) 20 AP
  • (4) 55 AP
  • (6) 90 AP, Spells lower targets damage by 20% for 3 seconds

Academy Lux Academy

The Academy sponsors 3 items each game.

Copies of sponsored items grant bonus max Health and Damage Amp. Academy units holding sponsored items gain double the amount, plus an additional 5% Health and Damage Amp.

  • (3) 2% Health and Damage Amp, gain 1 sponsored item.
  • (4) 3% Health and Damage Amp, gain 1 sponsored item.
  • (5) 5% Health and Damage Amp, gain 1 sponsored item.
  • (6) 9% Health and Damage Amp.

Gameplay Lux

gameplay Lux tft set 13 updating...

Above is the team comps Lux set 13 Sorcerer lineup and build items Lux tft patch 13.6 Academy with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!