Elise TFT set 12 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Elise tft set 12 eldritch items, team comps and stats, synergies Elise shapeshifter patch 14.17 with ggmeo.

Elise tft set 12
  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter

Ability Elise

Spider Form

Transform into a spider and cast Petrifying Venom on the target.

Petrifying Venom: Stun the target for 1.5 seconds, dealing magic damage and healing Elise.

  • Damage: 10% Health + 80% AP
  • Heal: 160 / 190 / 230

Stats Elise

Elise dtcl Cost: 1 gold Origin: Eldritch Class: Shapeshifter
Mana 30/90
Health 700 / 1260 / 2268
Armor 40
MR 40
Damage 50 / 75 / 113
DPS 30 / 45 / 68
Attack Speed 0.6
Range 1

Team comps Elise

Refer to some of the Elise set 12 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Elise items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Elise Spider Queen Dragon

  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
  • Dragon Dragon
  • Ravenous Ravenous
  • Shapeshifter Crown
  • Spider Queen
  • Shapeshifter Crest
  • Eternal Growth
  • Draconic Mastery
  • Heroic Grab Bag
  • Ascension

Elise Spider Queen Dragon team comp

Active champions: Elise Spider Queen Dragon: Elise, Shyvana, Smolder, Neeko, Nomsy, Swain, Nasus, Briar,

Traits active: 6 Shapeshifter, 3 Dragon, , 1 Ravenous,

  • Carry units: Elise, Smolder
  • Tank: Shyvana, Neeko

Elise Spider Queen Eldritch

  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
  • Ravenous Ravenous
  • Spider Queen
  • Shapeshifter Crest
  • Eldritch Crest

Elise Spider Queen Eldritch team comp

Active champions: Elise Spider Queen Eldritch: Elise, Nasus, Nami, Briar, Ashe, Nilah, Syndra, Mordekaiser, Swain

Traits active: 7 Eldritch, 4 Shapeshifter, , 1 Ravenous,

  • Carry units: Elise, Nami
  • Tank: Nasus, Briar

Elise Spider Queen Shapeshifter

  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Ravenous Ravenous
  • Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • Incantor Incantor
  • Spider Queen
  • Shapeshifter Crest
  • Eldritch Crest

Elise Spider Queen Shapeshifter team comp

Active champions: Elise Spider Queen Shapeshifter: Elise, Nasus, Syndra, Briar, Jayce, Cassiopeia, Shyvana, Neeko, Briar

Traits active: 6 Shapeshifter, 3 Eldritch, 2 Witchcraft, 1 Ravenous, , 2 Incantor

  • Carry units: Elise, Syndra
  • Tank: Nasus, Briar

Items Elise

Build items Elise set 12 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Titan's Resolve
Archangel's Staff
% % %
Archangel's Staff
Warmog's Armor
% % %
Archangel's Staff
Dragon's Claw
% % %

Synergie Elise

Shapeshifter Elise Shapeshifter

Shapeshifters gain bonus max Health. After their first Ability cast, they triple this effect.

  • (2) 10% Health
  • (4) 16% Health
  • (6) 24% Health
  • (8) 35% Health
Eldritch Elise Eldritch

When your team loses 20% of their Health, an Old God awakens. It gains 25% Health and 12% Ability Power for each Eldritch star level.

  • (3) The Tainted Golem
  • (5) The Dark Monolith
  • (7) The Many-Eyed Beast
  • (10) The Stormbringer

Gameplay Elise

Above is the team comps Elise set 12 Shapeshifter lineup and build items Elise tft patch 14.17 Eldritch with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!