Build TFT Ironclad set 5.5 team comp

Guide build TFT Ironclad teams comps set 5.5: items, synergies, units, stats and more.

Build TFT Ironclad set 5.5 team comp

Info Ironclad

Your team gains Armor.

  • (2) 30 Armor
  • (3) 60 Armor
  • (4) 120 Armor

Ironclad Units

  • Nautilus(2 gold) - Knight - Ironclad
  • Jax(4 gold) - Skirmisher - Ironclad
  • Rell(4 gold) - Cavalier - Ironclad - Redeemed

Team comp Ironclad

Jax Ironclad Mystic + Gwen

  • Mystic Mystic
  • Ironclad Ironclad
  • Revenant Revenant
  • Knight Knight
  • Inanimate Inanimate
  • Victorious Victorious

Team comp Jax Ironclad Mystic + Gwen Team comp Ironclad tft set 12

Active champions: Jax Ironclad Mystic + Gwen: Garen, Rell, Ivern, Jax, Fiddlesticks, Lux, Lulu, Nautilus, Gwen

Synergies: 4 Mystic, 3 Ironclad, 2 Revenant, 1 Inanimate, 2 Knight, 1 Victorious

  • Core damage: Gwen + Jax
  • Tanker: Rell + Fiddlesticks

MissFortune Forgotten + Draven

  • Forgotten Forgotten
  • Ironclad Ironclad
  • Knight Knight
  • Cavalier Cavalier

Team comp MissFortune Forgotten + Draven Team comp Ironclad set 12

Active champions: MissFortune Forgotten + Draven: Rell, Jax, Draven, MissFortune, Thresh, Nautilus, Hecarim, Vayne, Viego

Synergies: 6 Forgotten, 3 Ironclad, 2 Knight, , 2 Cavalier

  • Core damage: Draven + Miss Fortune
  • Tanker: Nautilus + Rell

How to play Ironclad

play Ironclad set 5.5 updating...

Items Ironclad

  • Nautilus: Bramble vest, Dragon's claw, Warmog's armor
  • Jax: Bloodthirster, Sterak's gage, Quicksilver
  • Rell: Redemption, Gargoyle stoneplate, Warmog's armor