Chem Baron TFT set 13: Build team comps

Guide build TFT Chem Baron teams comps set 13: items, synergies, units, stats patch 13.6 and more.

Chem Baron TFT set 13: Build team comps

Info Chem Baron

Gain Shimmer after each player combat. If your loss streak is at least 3, gain more.

At each stack of 100 Shimmer, the Black Market offers you contraband that only Chem-Barons can use. Chem-Barons gain max Health for each Black Market you pass on.

  • (3) Per Combat 15 or loss streak 35; 20 Health
  • (4) Per Combat 20 or loss streak 45; 60 Health
  • (5) Per Combat 20 or loss streak 55; 110 Health
  • (6) Per Combat 25 or loss streak 70; 160 Health
  • (7) Per Combat 30 or loss streak 100; 220 Health(removed)

Chem Baron Units

  • Singed(1 gold) - Sentinel - Chem Baron
  • Renata Glasc(2 gold) - Visionary - Chem Baron
  • Smeech(3 gold) - Chem Baron - Ambusher
  • Renni(3 gold) - Bruiser - Chem Baron
  • Silco(4 gold) - Dominator - Chem Baron
  • Sevika(5 gold) - Pit Fighter - High Roller - Chem Baron

Team comp Chem Baron

Smeech Chem Baron

  • Chem Baron Chem Baron
  • Ambusher Ambusher
  • High Roller High Roller
  • Chem-Baron Crown
  • War for the Undercity
  • Chem-Baron Crest
  • Brutal Revenge

Team comp Smeech Chem Baron Team comp Chem Baron tft set 13

Active champions: Smeech Chem Baron: Sevika, Jinx, Silco, Ekko, Renni, Smeech, RenataGlasc, Singed

Synergies: 6 Chem Baron, 3 Ambusher, 1 High Roller, ,

  • Core damage: Smeech + Sevika
  • Tanker: Renni + Silco

Renni Chem Baron

  • Chem Baron Chem Baron
  • Visionary Visionary
  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Bruiser Bruiser
  • Chem-Baron Crown
  • War for the Undercity
  • Visionary Crest
  • Chem-Baron Crest

Active champions: Renni Chem Baron: Heimerdinger, Silco, Renni, Smeech, Nunu, RenataGlasc, Rell, Singed

Synergies: 5 Chem Baron, 4 Visionary, 2 Sentinel, , 2 Bruiser

  • Core damage: Renata Glasc + Silco
  • Tanker: Renni + Nunu

Kog'Maw Chem Baron

  • Chem Baron Chem Baron
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
  • Sniper Sniper
  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • High Roller High Roller
  • Chem-Baron Crown
  • Chem-Baron Crest

Team comp Kog'Maw Chem Baron Team comp Chem Baron tft set 13

Active champions: Kog'Maw Chem Baron: Sevika, Vi, Silco, Renni, Smeech, Kog'Maw, RenataGlasc, Singed

Synergies: 7 Chem Baron, 2 Pit Fighter, 2 Sniper, 1 High Roller, 2 Enforcer

  • Core damage: Kog'Maw + Silco
  • Tanker: Renni + Sevika

Silco Chem Baron + Sevika

  • Chem Baron Chem Baron
  • Experiment Experiment
  • Bruiser Bruiser
  • Dominator Dominator
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
  • Visionary Visionary
  • Chem-Baron Crown
  • Chem-Baron Crest

Team comp Silco Chem Baron + Sevika Team comp Chem Baron tft set 13

Active champions: Silco Chem Baron + Sevika: Silco, Dr.Mundo, Renni, Smeech, Nunu, RenataGlasc, Urgot, Singed, Sevika

Synergies: 6 Chem Baron, 3 Experiment, 2 Bruiser, 2 Pit Fighter, 2 Dominator, 2 Visionary

  • Core damage: Silco + Sevika
  • Tanker: Renni + Renata Glasc

Singed Mad Chemist Chem-Baron

  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Chem Baron Chem Baron
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
  • Visionary Visionary
  • Scrap Scrap
  • Junker King Junker King
  • Mad Chemist
  • Sentinel Crown
  • Sentinel Crest

Team comp Singed Mad Chemist Chem-Baron Team comp Chem Baron tft set 13

Active champions: Singed Mad Chemist Chem-Baron: Sevika, Rumble, Illaoi, Silco, Gangplank, RenataGlasc, Rell, Singed, Sevika

Synergies: 4 Sentinel, 4 Chem Baron, 2 Pit Fighter, 2 Scrap, 2 Visionary, 1 Junker King

  • Core damage: Singed + Silco
  • Tanker: Illaoi + Sevika

How to play Chem Baron

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Other Automata tft set 13 here.

Anomalies Chem Baron

Magic TrainingMagic Training

Gain 20 Ability Power. On cast, your team gains 2 Ability Power for every 10 Mana spent.

Diving InDiving In

On first cast, leap to enemies and stun in a 2-hex radius for 1.5 seconds and gain 35% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp.

Cosmic RhythmCosmic Rhythm

No longer gain Mana but instead cast their Ability every 4 seconds.

removed 12.24

Comeback StoryComeback Story

Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.


Gain 10% Attack Speed. On cast, gain 15% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat.

Ultimate HeroUltimate Hero

After 3 rounds, star up a 3-star 1-cost champion to 4 stars!


This champion gains 15% Attack Speed. Every 1 kills, they permanently gain 1% more (doubled in Hyper Roll).

Magic ExpertMagic Expert

This champion gains 40% more Ability Power from all sources.

The FinisherThe Finisher

This champion's attacks and Ability executes enemy champions at 15% health or lower.

Legacy Of ShurimaLegacy Of Shurima

After 10 seconds of combat, ascend, gaining 40% max Health and 60% Attack Speed

Hunger For PowerHunger For Power

Combat start: Consume the nearest ally and gain 60% of their Health and Attack Damage.

Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance

Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 60% increased max Health and Stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.


Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Slow CookerSlow Cooker

Every second, deal magic damage in a 1-hex radius equal to 4% of their max Health. Radius increases every 6 seconds.

Nothing WastedNothing Wasted

When an ally dies, gain 100% of their current Mana.

Laser EyesLaser Eyes

Constantly deal 80% Ability Power magic damage per second in a 3-hex line and Burn enemies for 3 seconds.

Chem Baron Augments

Some augments Chem Baron is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

War for the UndercityWar for the Undercity

Everytime you choose to save your Shimmer on a Black Market, heal 4 player health and gain 6 gold. Gain a Renni.

Chem-Baron CrownChem-Baron Crown

Gain a Chem-Baron Emblem, a Nashor's Tooth, and a Smeech.

Brutal RevengeBrutal Revenge

Gain 2 Rennis. Your strongest Renni's Ability costs 20 less and causes her to lunge towards the fartheset enemy within 2 hexes, dealing 110% damage to the target and reduced damage to enemies in her path.

Mad ChemistMad Chemist

Gain a Singed. Your strongest Singed cannot attack but constantly runs, leaving a poison trail dealing magic damage over time. His Ability will always target himself and instead grants 20% Omnivamp and Move Speed.

Chem-Baron CrestChem-Baron Crest

Gain a Chem-Baron Emblem and a Renata Glasc.

Trait: Unlikely DuoTrait: Unlikely Duo

Jinx and Sevika gain 10% Attack Damage and 150 Health. Whenever one casts, they grant the other 15 mana. Sevika's arm is luckier. Gain a Jinx and Sevika.

Items Chem Baron

  • Singed: Bloodthirster, Archangel's staff, Morellonomicon
  • Renata Glasc: Spear of shojin, Archangel's staff, Nashor's tooth
  • Smeech: Bloodthirster, Perfected flesh ripper, Sterak's gage
  • Renni: Warmog's armor, Perfected piltoven hexarmor, Dragon's claw
  • Silco: Spear of shojin, Perfected virulent virus, Jeweled gauntlet
  • Sevika: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Sterak's gage