Automata TFT set 13: Build team comps

Guide build TFT Automata teams comps set 13: items, synergies, units, stats patch 13.6 and more.

Automata TFT set 13: Build team comps

Info Automata

Automata gain a crystal when they deal damage. At 20 crystals, they blast their current target, dealing magic damage + 20% of damage dealt since the previous blast and reset. They also gain Armor and Magic Resist.

  • (2) 150 damage, 25 AR/MR
  • (4) 400 damage, 55 AR/MR
  • (6) 1200 damage, 100 AR/MR

Automata Units

  • Amumu(1 gold) - Watcher - Automata
  • Nocturne(2 gold) - Quickstriker - Automata
  • Blitzcrank(3 gold) - Dominator - Automata
  • Kog'Maw(3 gold) - Sniper - Automata
  • Malzahar(5 gold) - Visionary - Automata

Team comp Automata

Nocturne Automata

  • Quickstriker Quickstriker
  • Automata Automata
  • Conqueror Conqueror
  • Dominator Dominator
  • Emissary Emissary
  • Quickstriker Crown
  • Quickstriker Crest
  • Automata Crest
  • Adrenaline Burst

Team comp Nocturne Automata Team comp Automata tft set 13

Active champions: Nocturne Automata: Malzahar, Ambessa, TwistedFate, Kog'Maw, Blitzcrank, Nocturne, Akali, Amumu

Synergies: 4 Quickstriker, 4 Automata, 2 Conqueror, 1 Emissary, 2 Dominator

  • Core damage: Nocturne + Kog'Maw
  • Tanker: Blitzcrank + Ambessa

Kog'Maw Automata

  • Automata Automata
  • Dominator Dominator
  • Sniper Sniper
  • Watcher Watcher
  • Visionary Visionary
  • Firelight Firelight
  • Automata Crown
  • Fractured Crystals
  • Automata Crest

Team comp Kog'Maw Automata Team comp Automata set 13

Active champions: Kog'Maw Automata: Malzahar, Kog'Maw, Scar, Blitzcrank, Rell, Zeri, Nocturne, Amumu, Mordekaiser

Synergies: 6 Automata, 2 Dominator, 2 Sniper, 2 Visionary, 2 Watcher, 2 Firelight

  • Core damage: Kog'Maw + Malzahar
  • Tanker: Blitzcrank + Mordekaiser

How to play Automata

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Anomalies Automata

Energy AbsorptionEnergy Absorption

Gain 30 Ability Power. Each time an ally dies, gain 5% of their Ability Power.

Nothing WastedNothing Wasted

When an ally dies, gain 100% of their current Mana.


Gain 60 Armor and 60 Magic Resist. When damaged, deal 20% of the damage blocked to adjacent enemies as magic damage.

Kill StreakKill Streak

Gain 30 Mana each kill.

Magic ExpertMagic Expert

This champion gains 40% more Ability Power from all sources.

Slime TimeSlime Time

Every 2 seconds, deal 100% magic damage in a 1-hex radius and heal this champion for 100% of damage dealt.


Combat start: Gain 225 Armor and Magic Resist. Every second, reduce this bonus by 10.

The FinisherThe Finisher

This champion's attacks and Ability executes enemy champions at 15% health or lower.

Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance

Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 60% increased max Health and Stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Magic TrainingMagic Training

Gain 20 Ability Power. On cast, your team gains 2 Ability Power for every 10 Mana spent.

Diving InDiving In

On first cast, leap to enemies and stun in a 2-hex radius for 1.5 seconds and gain 35% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp.


Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Titanic StrikesTitanic Strikes

Attacks deal an additional 30% Attack Damage to the target and adjacent enemies.

Comeback StoryComeback Story

Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.

Automata Augments

Some augments Automata is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Automata CrownAutomata Crown

Gain an Automata Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Nocturne.

Fractured CrystalsFractured Crystals

When an Automata champion fires their blast, they fire a second blast at the closest enemy dealing 50% of the original damage. Gain an Amumu and Nocturne.

Automata CrestAutomata Crest

Gain an Automata Emblem and a Nocturne.

Items Automata

  • Amumu: Bramble vest, Dragon's claw, Warmog's armor
  • Nocturne: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Quicksilver
  • Blitzcrank: Warmog's armor, Ionic spark, Gargoyle stoneplate
  • Kog'Maw: Guinsoo's rageblade, Archangel's staff, Hextech gunblade
  • Malzahar: Spear of shojin, Jeweled gauntlet, Nashor's tooth