Scrap TFT set 13: Build team comps
Guide build TFT Scrap teams comps set 13: items, synergies, units, stats patch 13.4 and more.
Info Scrap
Combat start: Components held by Scrap units temporarily turn into full items. Scrap units gain Shield for 24 seconds for each component held by your team, including those that make up a full item.
- (2) 1 component, 25 Shield
- (4) 3 components, 35 Shield
- (6) All components, and full items become lucky! 50 Shield
- (9) Generate Radiant items! 65 Shield
Scrap Units
- Powder(1 gold) - Scrap - Family - Ambusher
- Trundle(1 gold) - Bruiser - Scrap
- Ziggs(2 gold) - Dominator - Scrap
- Gangplank(3 gold) - Pit Fighter - Form Swapper - Scrap
- Corki(4 gold) - Artillerist - Scrap
- Ekko(4 gold) - Scrap - Firelight - Ambusher
- Rumble(5 gold) - Sentinel - Scrap - Junker King
Team comp Scrap
Ekko Scrap Ambusher + Corki
Junker King
Team comp Scrap tft set 13
Active champions: Ekko Scrap Ambusher + Corki: Jinx, Illaoi, Ekko, Corki, Scar, Gangplank, Trundle, Powder, Rumble
Synergies: 6 Scrap, 3 Ambusher, 2 Firelight, 1 Junker King, 2 Sentinel
- Core damage: Ekko + Corki
- Tanker: Illaoi + Scar
Ziggs Scrap
Form Swapper
Team comp Scrap set 13
Active champions: Ziggs Scrap: Elise, Ekko, Dr.Mundo, Corki, Gangplank, Ziggs, Trundle, Powder, Rumble
Synergies: 6 Scrap, 2 Dominator, 2 Ambusher, 2 Bruiser, 2 Form Swapper
- Core damage: Ziggs + Gangplank
- Tanker: Dr. Mundo + Ekko
Ekko Scrap + Corki
Form Swapper
Team comp Scrap set 13
Active champions: Ekko Scrap + Corki: Illaoi, Elise, Ekko, Corki, Gangplank, Tristana, Trundle, Powder, Rumble
Synergies: 6 Scrap, 2 Ambusher, 2 Artillerist, 2 Bruiser, 2 Form Swapper, 2 Sentinel
- Core damage: Corki + Gangplank
- Tanker: Ekko + Rumble
Trundle Trolling Bruiser Scrap
Form Swapper
Junker King
Team comp Scrap tft set 13
Active champions: Trundle Trolling Bruiser Scrap: Rumble, Elise, Corki, Renni, Nunu, Gangplank, Rell, Trundle, Rumble
Synergies: 4 Scrap, 4 Bruiser, 2 Form Swapper, 2 Visionary, 2 Sentinel, 1 Junker King
- Core damage: Trundle + Corki
- Tanker: Elise + Rumble
Anomalies Scrap
Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.
After 3 rounds, star up a 3-star 1-cost champion to 4 stars!
Gain 700 Health, 25 Armor, and 25 Magic Resist. They cannot move or be stunned, and pull their target into range.
When an ally dies, gain 100% of their current Mana.
Gain +1 Range. Every 2 seconds this champion doesn't move, gain 6% Attack Damage.
No longer gain Mana but instead cast their Ability every 4 seconds.
removed 12.24
Gain 30 Mana each kill.
Gain 30 Ability Power. Each time an ally dies, gain 5% of their Ability Power.
Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.
After 10 seconds of combat, ascend, gaining 40% max Health and 60% Attack Speed
This champion gains 40% more Ability Power from all sources.
Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 60% increased max Health and Stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Gain up to 100% Critical Strike Chance based on target's missing Health. Every 3 seconds, target the lowest percent Health enemy in range.
On first death, revive to full Health, gain 50% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp but lose 13% Health each second.
Attacks deal an additional 30% Attack Damage to the target and adjacent enemies.
Combat start: Gain 225 Armor and Magic Resist. Every second, reduce this bonus by 10.
Items Scrap
- Powder: Spear of shojin, Nashor's tooth, Jeweled gauntlet
- Trundle: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Hand of justice
- Ziggs: Spear of shojin, Jeweled gauntlet, Jeweled gauntlet
- Gangplank: Guinsoo's rageblade, Last whisper, Infinity edge
- Corki: Last whisper, Infinity edge, Giant slayer
- Ekko: Jeweled gauntlet, Hand of justice, Ionic spark
- Rumble: Hand of justice, Crownguard, Jeweled gauntlet