Hullbreaker lol item
Hullbreaker item in League of Legends 2024.
Hullbreaker |
Cost: 3000 gold |
+40 Attack Damage |
+500 Health |
+4% Movement Speed |
Recipe: Tunneler + Rectrix + Pickaxe + 125 gold |
Passive - Skipper: Every fifth basic attack against Champions and Epic Monsters deals 140% (melee) /70% (ranged) base AD (+3.5% maximum health bonus physical damage), increased to 400%/200% (+ 7% maximum health) bonus physical damage against structures. Passive - Boarding Party: Nearby allied Siege and Super Minions gain 20-135 (melee, based on level) /10-68 (ranged, based on level) bonus Armor and Magic Resistance. Attack Adjustment: Hullbreaker is now an on-hit item instead of an on-attack item.
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