Guinsoo's Rageblade lol item
Guinsoo's Rageblade item in League of Legends 2024.
Guinsoo's Rageblade |
Cost: 3000 gold |
+30 Ability Power |
+30 Attack Damage |
+25% Attack Speed |
Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Recurve Bow + Pickaxe + 1025 gold |
Passive - Wrath: Attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage on-hit. Critical Strike conversion removed. Passive - Seething Strike: Basic attacks grant 8% Attack Speed, stacking up to 4 times for a maximum of 32% Attack Speed. While fully stacked, every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice. (Note: Phantom Hit’s synergy with Kraken Slayer has been reintroduced.) |
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