Galio TFT set 12 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Galio tft set 12 items, team comps and stats, synergies Galio with ggmeo.

Galio tft set 12
2 Gold
  • Portal Portal
  • Vanguard Vanguard
  • Mage

Ability Galio


Reduce incoming damage for 4 seconds. Fire two magic bolts that converge on the furthest enemy within 3 hexes, Stunning them. Each bolt deals magic damage to enemies it passes through.

  • Flat Damage Reduction: 25/30/40
  • Damage: 50 / 75 / 115

Stats Galio

Galio dtcl Cost: 2 gold Origin: Portal Class: Vanguard vs Mage
Mana 30 / 90
Health 750/1350/2430
Armor 45
MR 45
Damage 55/83/124
DPS 36/54/80
Attack Speed 0.65
Range 1

Team comps Galio

Refer to some of the Galio set 12 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Galio items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Galio team comps set 12 updating...

Items Galio

Build items Galio set 12 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Hextech Gunblade
0.44% 3.38 89.5% 59.7%
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Sniper's Focus
Guinsoo's Rageblade
0.25% 4.57 47.2% 9.50%
Ionic Spark
Dragon's Claw
Warmog's Armor
0.34% 2.79 93.0% 69.3%

Synergie Galio

Vanguard Galio Vanguard

Vanguards gain 10% Durability while Shielded.

Combat start and at 50% Health: Gain a Shield for a percent of max Health for 10 seconds.

  • (2) 18% max Health
  • (4) 35% max Health
  • (6) 50% max Health
Mage Galio Mage

Mages cast their Abilities twice and have modified total Ability Power.

  • (3) 85% Ability Power
  • (5) 100% Ability Power
  • (7) 125% Ability Power
  • (10) 200% Ability Power, Mages cast MUCH more frequently
Portal Galio Portal

Combat start: Portal champions Shield for 15 seconds.

Objects from other dimensions fly out of a portal every few seconds to help allies and disrupt enemies. The portal becomes 8% stronger for each Portal champion's star level.

  • (3) 200 Shield, Small portal
  • (6) 400 Shield, Medium portal
  • (8) 600 Shield, Large portal
  • (10) 1200 Shield, GIGA portal

Gameplay Galio

gameplay Galio tft set 12 updating...

Above is the team comps Galio set 12 Vanguard vs Mage lineup and build items Galio tft patch 13.6 Portal with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!