Nami TFT set 12 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Nami tft set 12 eldritch items, team comps and stats, synergies Nami mage patch 14.17 with ggmeo.

Nami tft set 12
  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Mage Mage

Ability Nami


Fire a bubble that deals magic damage at the largest group of enemies within range. Every 3rd cast, summon The Leviathan instead, which Stuns and deals magic damage to enemies in a line.

  • Bubble Damage: 220% / 330% / 990%
  • Leviathan Damage: 200% / 300% / 900%

Stats Nami

Nami dtcl Tăng Cost: 4 gold Origin: Eldritch Class: Mage
Mana 0/50
Health 850 / 1530 / 2754
Armor 30
MR 30
Damage 45 / 68 / 101
DPS 36 / 54 / 81
Attack Speed 0.8
Range 4

Team comps Nami

Refer to some of the Nami set 12 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Nami items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Syndra + Nami 7 Eldritch

  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
  • Vanguard Vanguard
  • Incantor Incantor
  • Ravenous Ravenous
  • Eldritch Crown
  • Eldritch Crest
  • Duo Queue
  • School Mascot
  • Big Grab Bag
  • Radiant Relics

Syndra + Nami 7 Eldritch team comp

Active champions: Syndra + Nami 7 Eldritch: Nami, Mordekaiser, Briar, Syndra, Ashe, Elise, Nilah, Karma, TahmKench

Traits active: 7 Eldritch, 2 Shapeshifter, 2 Incantor, 2 Vanguard, , 1 Ravenous

  • Carry units: Nami, Briar
  • Tank: Mordekaiser, Syndra

Eldritch Shapeshifter

  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
  • Ravenous Ravenous
  • Eldritch Crown
  • Shapeshifter Crest
  • Eldritch Crest

Eldritch Shapeshifter team comp

Active champions: Eldritch Shapeshifter: Nami, Mordekaiser, Briar, Syndra, Ashe, Elise, Nilah, Swain, Nasus

Traits active: 7 Eldritch, 4 Shapeshifter, , 1 Ravenous,

  • Carry units: Nami, Briar
  • Tank: Mordekaiser, Syndra

Nami Mage Vanguard

  • Vanguard Vanguard
  • Mage Mage
  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Chrono Chrono
  • Incantor Incantor
  • Vanguard Crest
  • Arcanist Crest
  • Magic Wand

Nami Mage Vanguard team comp

Active champions: Nami Mage Vanguard: Nami, Vex, Karma, Tahm Kench, Galio, Rumble, Syndra, Mordekaiser, Briar

Traits active: 4 Vanguard, 3 Mage, 2 Chrono, 3 Eldritch, , 2 Incantor

  • Carry units: Nami, Karma
  • Tank: Vex, Tahm Kench

Nami 7 Mage

  • Mage Mage
  • Best Friends Best Friends
  • Portal Portal
  • Bastion Bastion
  • Vanguard Vanguard

Active champions: Nami 7 Mage: Nami, Vex, Veigar, Diana, Soraka, Seraphine, Galio, Taric, Norra

Traits active: 7 Mage, 1 Best Friends, 2 Bastion, 3 Portal, , Vanguard

  • Carry units: Nami, Veigar
  • Tank: Vex, Diana

Items Nami

Build items Nami set 12 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet
Nashor's Tooth
0.23% 6.91 57.1% 14.3%
Spear of Shojin
Statikk Shiv
0.19% 4.55 66.7% 16.7%
Spear of Shojin
Nashor's Tooth
0.17% 4.67 33.3% 20.0%

Synergie Nami

Mage Nami Mage

Mages cast their Abilities twice and have modified total Ability Power.

  • (3) 75% Ability Power
  • (5) 90% Ability Power
  • (7) 110% Ability Power
  • (9) 150% Ability Power
Eldritch Nami Eldritch

When your team loses 20% of their Health, an Old God awakens. It gains 25% Health and 12% Ability Power for each Eldritch star level.

  • (3) The Tainted Golem
  • (5) The Dark Monolith
  • (7) The Many-Eyed Beast
  • (10) The Stormbringer

Gameplay Nami

Above is the team comps Nami set 12 Mage lineup and build items Nami tft patch 14.17 Eldritch with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!