Akali TFT set 12 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Akali tft set 12 pyro items, team comps and stats, synergies Akali multistriker, warrior patch 14.17 with ggmeo.

Akali tft set 12
  • Pyro Pyro
  • Multistriker Multistriker
  • Warrior

Ability Akali

Fire Point Strike

Dash to the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing physical damage to them. The next 3 attacks launch kunai at the target, dealing damage.

  • Dash Damage: 130% / 130% / 140%
  • Kunai Damage AD: 155% / 155% / 170%
  • Kunai Damage AP: 30% / 45% / 70%
  • Total Kunai Damage AD: Kunai AD + Kunai AP

Stats Akali

Akali dtcl Giảm Cost: 2 gold Origin: Pyro Class: Multistriker vs Warrior
Mana 10/70
Health 700 / 1260 / 2268
Armor 45
MR 45
Damage 55 / 83 / 124
DPS 41 / 62 / 93
Attack Speed 0.75
Range 1

Team comps Akali

Refer to some of the Akali set 12 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Akali items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Akali Warrior + Katarina slowroll

  • Warrior Warrior
  • Multistriker Multistriker
  • Faerie Faerie
  • Pyro Pyro
  • Bastion Bastion
  • Warrior Crown
  • Warrior Crest
  • Row Rejuvenation II
  • Pyro Crest
  • Faerie Crest
  • Heroic Grab Bag
  • Pandora's Items II
  • You Have My Sword
  • Not Today
  • Portable Forge

Akali Warrior + Katarina slowroll team comp

Active champions: Akali Warrior + Katarina slowroll: Katarina, Shen, Akali, Nilah, Hecarim, Fiora, Kalista, Gwen,

Traits active: 6 Warrior, 3 Multistriker, 2 Pyro, 2 Faerie, , 2 Bastion

  • Carry units: Katarina, Akali
  • Tank: Shen, Nilah

Akali + Nilah Warrior Pyro reroll

  • Warrior Warrior
  • Multistriker Multistriker
  • Pyro Pyro
  • Eldritch Eldritch
  • Bastion Bastion
  • Arcana Arcana
  • Warrior Crest
  • Pyro Crest
  • Multistriker Crest

Akali + Nilah Warrior Pyro reroll team comp

Active champions: Akali + Nilah Warrior Pyro reroll: Akali, Hecarim, Nilah, Shen, Ashe, Mordekaiser, TahmKench, Varus,

Traits active: 2 Warrior, 3 Multistriker, 3 Eldritch, 3 Pyro, 2 Arcana, 2 Bastion

  • Carry units: Akali, Nilah
  • Tank: Hecarim, Shen

Akali Pyro Warrior

  • Pyro Pyro
  • Warrior Warrior
  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
  • Witchcraft Witchcraft

Active champions: Akali Pyro Warrior: Akali, Nasus, Fiora, Gwen, Nilah, Shen, Neeko, Varus,

Traits active: 4 Pyro, 4 Warrior, 2 Witchcraft, 2 Shapeshifter,

  • Carry units: Akali, Fiora
  • Tank: Nasus, Gwen

Items Akali

Build items Akali set 12 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Edge of Night
Infinity Edge
1.39% 4.64 50.7% 7.31%
Hand of Justice
Edge of Night
Infinity Edge
0.89% 4.73 51.1% 7.80%
Titan's Resolve
Hand of Justice
0.68% 4.69 42.1% 5.61%

Synergie Akali

Multistriker Akali Multistriker

Multistrikers' attacks have a chance to trigger 2 extra attacks.

  • (3) 30% chance
  • (5) 60% chance
  • (7) 70% chance; heal 3% max Health every attack
  • (9) 100% chance; heal 10% max Health every attack
Warrior Akali Warrior

Warriors gain Omnivamp and Damage Amp. When Warriors drop below 40% health, they gain double Damage Amp.

  • (2) 10% Omnivamp, 10% Damage Amp
  • (4) 20% Omnivamp, 20% Damage Amp
  • (6) 30% Omnivamp, 30% Damage Amp
Pyro Akali Pyro

Your team gains 3% Attack Speed. Pyro champions gain more Attack Speed and execute enemies under 10% Health.

For each kill, Pyro champions create an infernal cinder that you collect the next round. For every 5 cinders you collect, your team gains 2% more Attack Speed.

  • (2) 10% AS
  • (3) 25% AS
  • (4) 40% AS
  • (5) 55% AS and execute under 15% Health

Gameplay Akali

gameplay Akali tft set 12 updating...

Above is the team comps Akali set 12 Multistriker vs Warrior lineup and build items Akali tft patch 14.17 Pyro with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!