Illaoi TFT set 13 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Illaoi tft set 13 rebel items, team comps and stats, synergies Illaoi sentinel patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Illaoi tft set 13
4 Vàng
  • Rebel Rebel
  • Sentinel Sentinel

Ability Illaoi

Test of Spirit Mana: 65/125

Prophet of Spirits: Gain Shield and summon a tentacle near the current target for 4 seconds. The tentacle slams every second, dealing magic damage in a line and healing Illaoi.

  • AP Shield: 325% / 400% / 500%
  • AP Damage: 80% / 120% / 190%
  • AP Heal Per Slam: 30% / 35% / 40%

Stats Illaoi

Illaoi dtcl Cost: 4 gold Origin: Rebel Class: Sentinel
Mana 65/125
Health 1100/1980/3564
Armor 60
MR 60
Damage 70/105/158
DPS 46/68/102
Attack Speed 0.65
Range 1

Team comps Illaoi

Refer to some of the Illaoi set 13 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Illaoi items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Illaoi Rebel + Zoe

  • Rebel Rebel
  • Ambusher Ambusher
  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Scrap Scrap
  • Junker King Junker King
  • Rebel Crown
  • Rebel Crest
  • Paint the Town Blue

Illaoi Rebel + Zoe team comp

Active champions: Illaoi Rebel + Zoe: Zoe, Illaoi, Jinx, Sett, Irelia, Akali, Ezreal, Ekko, Rumble

Traits active: 7 Rebel, 2 Ambusher, 2 Scrap, 2 Sentinel, , 1 Junker King

  • Carry units: Zoe, Jinx
  • Tank: Illaoi, Sett

Illaoi Rebel + Jinx

  • Rebel Rebel
  • Ambusher Ambusher
  • Sentinel Sentinel
  • Rebel Crown
  • Rebel Crest
  • Paint the Town Blue

Illaoi Rebel + Jinx team comp

Active champions: Illaoi Rebel + Jinx: Jinx, Illaoi, Zoe, Sett, Irelia, Vex, Ezreal, Ekko, Rumble

Traits active: 7 Rebel, 2 Ambusher, , 2 Sentinel,

  • Carry units: Jinx, Zoe
  • Tank: Illaoi, Sett

Items Illaoi

Build items Illaoi set 13 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Bramble Vest
Dragon's Claw
Warmog's Armor
0.86% 4.44 57.9% 15.1%
0.33% 4.53 55.8% 12.3%
Steadfast Heart
Dragon's Claw
Gargoyle Stoneplate
0.09% 4.50 58.1% 19.8%

Anomalies Illaoi

Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance

Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 60% increased max Health and Stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.


Combat start: Gain 225 Armor and Magic Resist. Every second, reduce this bonus by 10.

Slime TimeSlime Time

Every 2 seconds, deal 100% magic damage in a 1-hex radius and heal this champion for 100% of damage dealt.

Synergie Illaoi

Sentinel Illaoi Sentinel

Your team gains Armor and Magic Resist. Sentinels gain triple.

  • (2) 10 AR/MR
  • (4) 25 AR/MR
  • (6) 50 AR/MR

Rebel Illaoi Rebel

Rebels gain 15% max Health.

After your team loses 25% of their Health, a smoke signal appears, granting Rebels 60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds and extra power for the rest of combat.

  • (3) 15% AD/AP
  • (5) 25% AD/AP, 12% Health
  • (7) 45% AD/AP, 20% Health, and Stun all enemies for 2 seconds
  • (10) The smoke signal triggers at Combat Start and every 12 seconds.

Gameplay Illaoi

gameplay Illaoi tft set 13 updating...

Above is the team comps Illaoi set 13 Sentinel lineup and build items Illaoi tft patch 13.6 Rebel with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!