Yone TFT set 4.5 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Yone tft set 4.5 exile items, team comps and stats, synergies Yone adept patch 14.24 with ggmeo.

Yone tft set 4.5
5 Vàng
  • Exile Exile
  • Adept Adept

Ability Yone

Seal Fate Mana: 0/60

Yone strikes along a path in front of him, dealing magic damage split between all enemies hit. Enemies hit are marked for death, reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.

Yone's spell is then replaced with Unforgotten until there are no remaining enemies marked for death.

Unforgotten (10 mana): Yone dashes to the lowest-Health enemy that is marked for death, dealing plus their missing health as magic damage.

  • Damage: 800 / 1200 / 20000
  • Unforgotten Base Damage: 350 / 750 / 9999
  • AR and MR Reduction: 60% / 60% / 70%

Stats Yone

Yone dtcl Cost: 5 gold Origin: Exile Class: Adept
Mana 0/60
Health 950 / 1710 / 3078
Armor 40
MR 40
Damage 80 / 144 / 259
DPS 76 / 137 / 246
Attack Speed 0.95
Range 1

Team comps Yone

Refer to some of the Yone set 4.5 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Yone items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Yone team comps set 4.5 updating...

Items Yone

Build items Yone set 4.5 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Titan's Resolve
1.68% 4.64 46.3% 14.5%
Titan's Resolve
Hand of Justice
0.95% 4.68 51.0% 12.4%
Edge of Night
Giant Slayer
0.80% 4.70 42.0% 13.7%

Synergie Yone

Adept Yone Adept

Adepts calm the flow of battle, reducing the Attack Speed of all enemies by 50% for a few seconds at the start of combat.

  • (2) 2 seconds
  • (3) 3.5 seconds
  • (4) 6 seconds

Exile Yone Exile

If an Exile has no adjacent allies at the start of combat, they gain:

  • (1) A shield equal to 50% of their maximum health
  • (2) And 80% Lifesteal

Gameplay Yone

gameplay Yone tft set 4.5 updating...

Above is the team comps Yone set 4.5 Adept lineup and build items Yone tft patch 14.24 Exile with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!