Archangel’s Staff lol item
Archangel’s Staff item in League of Legends 2024.
Archangel’s Staff |
Cost: 2900 gold |
+70 Ability Power |
+600 Mana |
+25 Ability Haste |
Recipe: Lost Chapter + Fiendish Codex + Tear of the Goddess + 400 gold |
Passive - Awe: Gain Ability Power equal to 1% bonus Mana Passive - Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain 5 mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 860 mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace. Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (maximum of 5 charges). This item transforms into Seraph’s Embrace at 360 bonus mana. |
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