Guide build TFT Tristana Artillerist Sentinel teams comps set 13: items, synergies, units, stats patch 13.6 and more.

Info Tristana Artillerist Sentinel

Every 5 attacks, Artillerists launch a rocket that deals 125% Attack Damage around the target. They also gain Attack Damage.

  • (2) 10% AD
  • (4) 45% AD
  • (6) 60% AD, Launch a rocket every 5 attacks that deals double damage.

Tristana Artillerist Sentinel Units

  • Irelia(1 gold) - Sentinel - Rebel
  • Leona(2 gold) - Sentinel - Academy
  • Tristana(2 gold) - Artillerist - Emissary
  • Urgot(2 gold) - Pit Fighter - Artillerist - Experiment
  • Rell(2 gold) - Visionary - Sentinel - Conqueror
  • Ezreal(3 gold) - Artillerist - Rebel - Academy
  • Corki(4 gold) - Artillerist - Scrap
  • Illaoi(4 gold) - Sentinel - Rebel

Team comp Tristana Artillerist Sentinel

How to play Tristana Artillerist Sentinel

play Tristana Artillerist Sentinel set 13 updating...

Anomalies Tristana Artillerist Sentinel


Combat start: Gain 225 Armor and Magic Resist. Every second, reduce this bonus by 10.


This champion gains 15% Attack Speed. Every 1 kills, they permanently gain 1% more (doubled in Hyper Roll).

Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance

Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 60% increased max Health and Stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Comeback StoryComeback Story

Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.

Kill StreakKill Streak

Gain 30 Mana each kill.

Cull The WeakCull The Weak

Gain up to 100% Critical Strike Chance based on target's missing Health. Every 3 seconds, target the lowest percent Health enemy in range.

Titanic StrikesTitanic Strikes

Attacks deal an additional 30% Attack Damage to the target and adjacent enemies.

Slime TimeSlime Time

Every 2 seconds, deal 100% magic damage in a 1-hex radius and heal this champion for 100% of damage dealt.

Last ChanceLast Chance

On first death, revive to full Health, gain 50% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp but lose 13% Health each second.

Share Your EnergyShare Your Energy

Combat start: grant 8% of their Attack Damage, Ability Power, Health, Armor, and Magic Resist to adjacent allies.

Ultimate HeroUltimate Hero

After 3 rounds, star up a 3-star 1-cost champion to 4 stars!

Cosmic RhythmCosmic Rhythm

No longer gain Mana but instead cast their Ability every 4 seconds.

removed 12.24


Gain 10% Attack Speed. On cast, gain 15% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat.

Hunger For PowerHunger For Power

Combat start: Consume the nearest ally and gain 60% of their Health and Attack Damage.


Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Tristana Artillerist Sentinel Augments

Some augments Tristana Artillerist Sentinel is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Rocket CollectionRocket Collection

Artillerist rockets deal 40% increased damage. Every 65 rockets your Artillerists fire, gain a Collector (max 2). Gain a Tristana and Urgot.

Artillerist CrestArtillerist Crest

Gain an Artillerist Emblem and a Tristana.

Sentinel CrestSentinel Crest

Gain a Sentinel Emblem and a Rell.

Artillerist CrownArtillerist Crown

Gain an Artillerist Emblem, a Runaan's Hurricane, and a Tristana.

Items Tristana Artillerist Sentinel

  • Leona: Gargoyle stoneplate, Dragon's claw, Redemption
  • Tristana: Guinsoo's rageblade, Last whisper, Infinity edge
  • Urgot: Bloodthirster, Sterak's gage, Titan's resolve
  • Illaoi: Bramble vest, Dragon's claw, Warmog's armor