Guide build TFT Kled Equestrian Training teams comps set 5.5: items, synergies, units, stats and more.

Info Kled Equestrian Training

Hellions gain Attack Speed.

Whenever a Hellion dies, a Doppelhellion (a one star level lower copy) jumps out of the Hellion portal and joins the fight!

  • (2) 10% AS
  • (4) 30% AS
  • (6) 70% AS
  • (8) 125% AS

Kled Equestrian Training Units

  • Poppy(1 gold) - Knight - Hellion
  • Ziggs(1 gold) - Spellweaver - Hellion
  • Kled(1 gold) - Cavalier - Hellion
  • Kennen(2 gold) - Skirmisher - Hellion
  • Sejuani(2 gold) - Brawler - Cavalier - Nightbringer
  • Tristana(2 gold) - Cannoneer - Hellion
  • Lulu(3 gold) - Mystic - Hellion
  • Rell(4 gold) - Cavalier - Ironclad - Redeemed

Team comp Kled Equestrian Training

How to play Kled Equestrian Training

play Kled Equestrian Training set 5.5 updating...

Kled Equestrian Training Augments

Some augments Kled Equestrian Training is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Equestrian TrainingEquestrian Training

Gain a 2-star Kled. Your strongest Kled gains the ability to remount after attacking or getting hit 9 times in dismounted state.

Items Kled Equestrian Training

  • Poppy: Gargoyle stoneplate, Redemption, Sunfire cape
  • Kled: Runaan's hurricane, Last whisper, Infinity edge
  • Lulu: Blue buff, Spear of shojin, Nashor's tooth
  • Rell: Redemption, Gargoyle stoneplate, Warmog's armor