Poppy TFT set 5.5 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Poppy tft set 5.5 hellion items, team comps and stats, synergies Poppy knight patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Poppy tft set 5.5
  • Hellion Hellion
  • Knight Knight

Ability Poppy 5.5

Ném Khiên Mana: 50/70

Throws a buckler at the farthest enemy that deals magic damage. The buckler returns, granting Shield.

  • Magic Damage: 160 / 240 / 360
  • Shield Amount: 300 / 325 / 375

Stats Poppy 5.5

Poppy dtcl Cost: 1 gold Origin: Hellion Class: Knight
Mana 50/70
Health 650 / 1170 / 2106
Armor 40
MR 40
Damage 60 / 90 / 135
DPS 33 / 50 / 74
Attack Speed 0.55
Range 1

Team comps Poppy 5.5

Refer to some of the Poppy set 5.5 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates.

Poppy Hellion + Kled

  • Hellion Hellion
  • Cavalier Cavalier
  • Knight Knight
  • Cannoneer Cannoneer
  • Ironclad Ironclad
  • Hellion Crown
  • Hellion Crest
  • Fiendish Farewell
  • Equestrian Training

Poppy Hellion + Kled team comp

Active champions: Poppy Hellion + Kled: Kled, Poppy, Tristana, Kennen, Ziggs, Nautilus, Lulu, Lucian, Rell

Traits active: 6 Hellion, 2 Cavalier, 2 Cannoneer, 2 Knight, , 2 Ironclad

  • Carry units: Kled, Tristana
  • Tank: Poppy, Kennen

Kled Equestrian Training + Poppy

  • Hellion Hellion
  • Cavalier Cavalier
  • Hellion Crown
  • Cavalier Crown
  • Hellion Crest
  • Fiendish Farewell
  • Cavalier Crest
  • Equestrian Training

Kled Equestrian Training + Poppy team comp

Active champions: Kled Equestrian Training + Poppy: Kled, Poppy, Lulu, Rell, Ziggs, Kennen, Sejuani, Tristana, Rell

Traits active: 6 Hellion, 4 Cavalier, , ,

  • Carry units: Kled, Lulu
  • Tank: Poppy, Rell

Items Poppy 5.5

Build items Poppy set 5.5 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Sunfire Cape
0.52% 4.80 35.4% 7.18%
Dragon's Claw
Gargoyle Stoneplate
0.65% 4.68 49.6% 9.76%
Warmog's Armor
Ionic Spark
Gargoyle Stoneplate
0.41% 4.74 40.9% 7.79%

Synergie Poppy 5.5

Knight Poppy Knight

Your team blocks a flat amount of damage from all sources.

  • (2) 15 damage blocked
  • (4) 30 damage blocked
  • (6) 60 damage blocked
Hellion Poppy Hellion

Hellions gain Attack Speed.

Whenever a Hellion dies, a Doppelhellion (a one star level lower copy) jumps out of the Hellion portal and joins the fight!

  • (2) 10% AS
  • (4) 30% AS
  • (6) 70% AS
  • (8) 125% AS

Gameplay Poppy 5.5

gameplay Poppy tft set 5.5 updating...

Above is the team comps Poppy set 5.5 Knight lineup and build items Poppy tft patch 13.6 Hellion with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!