Build TFT Witchcraft team comp set 12

Guide build TFT Witchcraft teams comps set 12: items, synergies, units, stats patch 14.17 and more.

Info Witchcraft

Witch Abilities apply a curse to enemies for 4 seconds. When a cursed enemy dies, the curse spreads to the nearest enemy.

Cursed enemies become:

  • (2) smaller, losing 200 of their max Health
  • (4) AND green, healing the lowest Health Witch for 15% of damage taken
  • (6) AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches
  • (8) AND a frog, stunned for 2 seconds every 8 seconds. All other curse effects are increased by 50%.

Witchcraft Units

  • Poppy(1 gold) - Bastion - Witchcraft
  • Zoe(1 gold) - Scholar - Witchcraft - Portal
  • Cassiopeia(2 gold) - Incantor - Witchcraft
  • Neeko(3 gold) - Shapeshifter - Witchcraft
  • Fiora(4 gold) - Warrior - Witchcraft
  • Morgana(5 gold) - Preserver - Bat Queen - Witchcraft

Team comp Witchcraft

Cassiopeia Witchcraft Preserver

  • Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • Preserver Preserver
  • Chrono Chrono
  • Incantor Incantor
  • Bat Queen Bat Queen
  • Vương Miện Ma Thuật
  • Huy Hiệu Ma Thuật
  • Thuốc Phép 201
  • Hình Nộm Lãng Du I
  • Đũa Phép
  • Phân Nhánh

Team comp Cassiopeia Witchcraft Preserver Team comp Witchcraft tft set 12

Active champions: Cassiopeia Witchcraft Preserver: Morgana, Rakan, Karma, Fiora, Neeko, Zilean, Cassiopeia, Poppy

Synergies: 6 Witchcraft, 3 Preserver, 2 Chrono, 1 Bat Queen, 2 Incantor

  • Core damage: Cassiopeia + Karma
  • Tanker: Neeko + Morgana

Cassiopeia + Poppy Witchy Wallop

  • Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • Portal Portal
  • Bat Queen Bat Queen
  • Bastion Bastion
  • Scholar Scholar
  • Vương Miện Ma Thuật
  • Nắm Đấm Ma Thuật
  • Huy Hiệu Ma Thuật
  • Thuốc Phép 201
  • Huy Hiệu Can Trường
  • Trùm Bản Đồ
  • Trang Bị Pandora III

Team comp Cassiopeia + Poppy Witchy Wallop Team comp Witchcraft set 12

Active champions: Cassiopeia + Poppy Witchy Wallop: Morgana, Taric, Ryze, Fiora, Neeko, Cassiopeia, Zoe, Poppy

Synergies: 6 Witchcraft, 3 Portal, 1 Bat Queen, 2 Scholar, 2 Bastion

  • Core damage: Poppy + Cassiopeia
  • Tanker: Neeko + Fiora

Fiora Witchcraft

  • Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • Preserver Preserver
  • Warrior Warrior
  • Bat Queen Bat Queen

Active champions: Fiora Witchcraft: Morgana, Gwen, Rakan, Fiora, Neeko, Cassiopeia, Zoe, Poppy

Synergies: 6 Witchcraft, 2 Preserver, 2 Warrior, 1 Bat Queen,

  • Core damage: Fiora + Neeko
  • Tanker: Poppy + Gwen

How to play Witchcraft

play Witchcraft set 12 updating...

Witchcraft Augments

Some augments Witchcraft is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Witchcraft CrownWitchcraft Crown

Gain a Witchcraft emblem, a Hextech Gunblade, and a Cassiopeia.

Witchy WallopWitchy Wallop

Gain a 2-star Poppy. Your strongest Poppy's Ability no longer Shields, but strikes 3 times, dealing 80% of the original damage.

Witchcraft CrestWitchcraft Crest

Gain a Witchcraft emblem and a Cassiopeia.

Unleash The BeastUnleash The Beast

Gain a Sterak's Gage. When its effect triggers, the holder gains 30% Attack Speed for the rest of combat and immunity to crowd control for 10 seconds.

Potions 201Potions 201

Witch curses last forever. Witch Abilities also curse the nearest uncursed champion. If all champions are cursed, Witches gain 20% Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain a Poppy and a Cassiopeia.


The next 4-cost champion you buy is instantly upgraded to 2-star. Get 12 gold.

Wandering Trainer IWandering Trainer I

Gain 1 gold and a Training Dummy with 2 permanently attached Emblems.

Big Grab BagBig Grab Bag

Gain 3 random components, 2 gold, and 1 Reforger.

Reforgers allow you to remake any item.

New RecruitNew Recruit

Gain +1 max team size and a Champion Duplicator.

Items Witchcraft

  • Poppy: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Sterak's gage
  • Zoe: Spear of shojin, Jeweled gauntlet, Rabadon's deathcap
  • Cassiopeia: Guinsoo's rageblade, Guinsoo's rageblade, Hextech gunblade
  • Neeko: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Archangel's staff
  • Fiora: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Sterak's gage
  • Morgana: Bloodthirster, Redemption, Crownguard