Karma TFT set 5.5 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Karma tft set 5.5 dawnbringer items, team comps and stats, synergies Karma invoker patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Karma tft set 5.5
  • Dawnbringer Dawnbringer
  • Invoker Invoker

Ability Karma 5.5

Nội Hỏa Mana: 0/50

Fires a burst of energy at a random enemy that deals magic damage to adjacent enemies and reduces Max Mana by 15 (down to a min of 10).

Every 3rd cast is empowered and bursts towards 3 different targets instead of 1.

  • Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 900
  • Mana Cost Reduction: 15 / 15 / 40

Stats Karma 5.5

Karma dtcl Cost: 4 gold Origin: Dawnbringer Class: Invoker
Mana 0/50
Health 750 / 1350 / 2430
Armor 25
MR 25
Damage 45 / 68 / 101
DPS 31 / 48 / 71
Attack Speed 0.7
Range 4

Team comps Karma 5.5

Refer to some of the Karma set 5.5 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates.

Karma Dawnbringer Renewer

  • Dawnbringer Dawnbringer
  • Renewer Renewer
  • Invoker Invoker
  • Victorious Victorious
  • Caretaker Caretaker
  • Dawnbringer Crown
  • Renewer Crest
  • Dawnbringer Crest

Karma Dawnbringer Renewer team comp

Active champions: Karma Dawnbringer Renewer: Karma, Ivern, Heimerdinger, Garen, Gragas, Soraka, Nidalee, Riven, Rakan

Traits active: 6 Dawnbringer, 4 Renewer, 1 Victorious, 2 Invoker, , 1 Caretaker

  • Carry units: Karma, Heimerdinger
  • Tank: Ivern, Garen

Karma Invoker + Ivern

  • Invoker Invoker
  • Revenant Revenant
  • Dawnbringer Dawnbringer
  • Renewer Renewer
  • Mystic Mystic
  • Cruel Cruel
  • Dawnbringer Crest
  • Invoker Crown
  • Invoker Crest

Karma Invoker + Ivern team comp

Active champions: Karma Invoker + Ivern: Karma, Ivern, Teemo, Galio, Syndra, Lulu, Fiddlesticks, Garen, Heimerdinger

Traits active: 4 Invoker, 2 Revenant, 2 Renewer, 2 Dawnbringer, 1 Cruel, 2 Mystic

  • Carry units: Karma, Teemo
  • Tank: Ivern, Galio

Items Karma 5.5

Build items Karma set 5.5 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Blue Buff
Nashor's Tooth
2.17% 4.36 41.5% 9.02%
Blue Buff
Jeweled Gauntlet
Red Buff
1.81% 4.33 47.0% 11.0%
Blue Buff
Archangel's Staff
0.91% 4.31 49.9% 11.9%

Synergie Karma 5.5

Invoker Karma Invoker

Your team gains Mana from their attacks.

  • (2) 3 Mana
  • (4) 6 Mana
Dawnbringer Karma Dawnbringer

Once per combat at 50% Health, Dawnbringers rapidly heal. When this occurs, all allied Dawnbringers gain 10% bonus damage.

  • (2) 30% of max Health
  • (4) 55% of max Health
  • (6) 80% of max Health
  • (8) 120% of max Health

Gameplay Karma 5.5

gameplay Karma tft set 5.5 updating...

Above is the team comps Karma set 5.5 Invoker lineup and build items Karma tft patch 13.6 Dawnbringer with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!