Braum TFT set 4.5 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Braum tft set 4.5 dragonsoul items, team comps and stats, synergies Braum vanguard patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Braum tft set 4.5
2 Vàng
  • Dragonsoul Dragonsoul
  • Vanguard Vanguard

Ability Braum

Unbreakable Mana: 30/60

Braum puts up his shield for 4 seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction.

  • Damage Reduction: 75% / 80% / 90%

Stats Braum

Braum dtcl Cost: 2 gold Origin: Dragonsoul Class: Vanguard
Mana 30/60
Health 800 / 1440 / 2592
Armor 60
MR 60
Damage 40 / 72 / 130
DPS 30 / 54 / 98
Attack Speed 0.75
Range 1

Team comps Braum

Refer to some of the Braum set 4.5 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Braum items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Braum team comps set 4.5 updating...

Items Braum

Build items Braum set 4.5 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Dragon's Claw
Warmog's Armor
% % %
Dragon's Claw
Bramble Vest
Warmog's Armor
% % %
Dragon's Claw
Gargoyle Stoneplate
% % %

Synergie Braum

Vanguard Braum Vanguard

Vanguard champions gain bonus Armor and Magic Resist

  • (2) 100 Armor and 10 Magic Resist
  • (4) 250 Armor and 25 Magic Resist
  • (6) 500 Armor and 50 Magic Resist
  • (8) 1000 Armor and 80 Magic Resist

Dragonsoul Braum Dragonsoul

The first Dragonsoul allies to take damage in combat receives the Dragon's Blessing. While blessed, the unit gains bonus stats, and every 5th attack fires a Dragonsoul blast, dealing 40% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage. On death, this blessing passes to the closest Dragonsoul ally without a blessing.

  • (3) 1 Blessing, 40 AS & SP
  • (6) 3 Blessing, 70 AS & SP
  • (9) 6 Blessing, 140 AS & SP

Gameplay Braum

gameplay Braum tft set 4.5 updating...

Above is the team comps Braum set 4.5 Vanguard lineup and build items Braum tft patch 13.6 Dragonsoul with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!