Reunion TFT set 13: Build team comps

Guide build TFT Reunion teams comps set 13: items, synergies, units, stats patch 13.6 and more.

Reunion TFT set 13: Build team comps

Info Reunion

When Vi casts, Ekko releases 3 afterimages towards her target dealing 50% damage. When Ekko casts, Vi slams an earthquake towards his target dealing 150% damage.

Gain a Vi and Ekko.

Reunion Units

  • Ekko(4 gold) - Scrap - Firelight - Ambusher
  • Vi(4 gold) - Pit Fighter - Enforcer

Team comp Reunion

Reunion: Ekko vs Vi

  • Reunion Reunion
  • Firelight Firelight
  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • Pit Fighter Pit Fighter
  • Scrap Scrap
  • Ambusher Ambusher
  • Trait: Reunion
  • Loot Explosion
  • Firelight Crest
  • Ambusher Crest

Team comp Reunion: Ekko vs Vi Team comp Reunion tft set 13

Active champions: Reunion: Ekko vs Vi: Jinx, Caitlyn, Vi, Garen, Ekko, Scar, Gangplank, Zeri

Synergies: 2 Reunion, 3 Firelight, 2 Enforcer, 2 Scrap, 2 Pit Fighter, 2 Ambusher

  • Core damage: Ekko + Jinx
  • Tanker: Vi + Garen

How to play Reunion

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Anomalies Reunion

Comeback StoryComeback Story

Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.


Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Last ChanceLast Chance

On first death, revive to full Health, gain 50% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp but lose 13% Health each second.

Cosmic RhythmCosmic Rhythm

No longer gain Mana but instead cast their Ability every 4 seconds.

removed 12.24

Reunion Augments

Some augments Reunion is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Trait: ReunionTrait: Reunion

When Vi casts, Ekko releases 3 afterimages towards her target dealing 50% damage. When Ekko casts, Vi slams an earthquake towards his target dealing 150% damage. Gain a Vi and Ekko.

Items Reunion

  • Ekko: Jeweled gauntlet, Hand of justice, Ionic spark
  • Vi: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Sterak's gage