Katarina TFT set 12 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Katarina tft set 12 faerie items, team comps and stats, synergies Katarina warrior patch 14.17 with ggmeo.

Katarina tft set 12
  • Faerie Faerie
  • Warrior Warrior

Ability Katarina

Death Lotus

Blink to the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and spin, dealing magic damage over 3 seconds to enemies within 2 hexes and Wounding them for 5 seconds. The 2 nearest enemies take magic damage instead.

If she kills an enemy, blink and reposition again.

  • Damage: 175 / 260 / 420
  • Increased Damage Amount: 155% of Damage

Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%

Stats Katarina

Katarina dtcl Cost: 3 gold Origin: Faerie Class: Warrior
Mana 10/70
Health 800 / 1440 / 2592
Armor 45
MR 45
Damage 50 / 75 / 113
DPS 38 / 56 / 85
Attack Speed 0.75
Range 1

Team comps Katarina

Refer to some of the Katarina set 12 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Katarina items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Katarina Warrior

  • Warrior Warrior
  • Faerie Faerie
  • Preserver Preserver
  • Pyro Pyro
  • Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
  • Warrior Crown
  • Warrior Crest
  • Royal Guard
  • Row Rejuvenation II
  • Faerie Crest
  • Radiant Refactor
  • Portable Forge

Katarina Warrior team comp

Active champions: Katarina Warrior: Katarina, Rakan, Fiora, Gwen, Akali, Bard, Neeko, Nasus,

Traits active: 4 Warrior, 2 Faerie, 2 Pyro, 2 Preserver, 2 Shapeshifter, 2 Witchcraft

  • Carry units: Katarina, Fiora
  • Tank: Rakan, Gwen

Katarina Faerie + Kalista

  • Faerie Faerie
  • Bat Queen Bat Queen
  • Warrior Warrior
  • Preserver Preserver
  • Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • Faerie Crown
  • Royal Guard
  • Faerie Crest
  • Blossoming Lotus
  • Wandering Trainer I
  • Big Grab Bag
  • Branching Out
  • Silver Veil
  • Portable Forge

Katarina Faerie + Kalista team comp

Active champions: Katarina Faerie + Kalista: Katarina, Rakan, Kalista, Morgana, Lillia, Tristana, Fiora, Milio,

Traits active: 6 Faerie, 1 Bat Queen, 2 Preserver, 2 Warrior, , 2 Witchcraft

  • Carry units: Katarina, Kalista
  • Tank: Rakan, Morgana

Katarina Warrior + Akali slowroll

  • Warrior Warrior
  • Multistriker Multistriker
  • Faerie Faerie
  • Pyro Pyro
  • Bastion Bastion
  • Warrior Crown
  • Warrior Crest
  • Row Rejuvenation II
  • Pyro Crest
  • Faerie Crest
  • Heroic Grab Bag
  • Pandora's Items II
  • You Have My Sword
  • Not Today
  • Portable Forge

Katarina Warrior + Akali slowroll team comp

Active champions: Katarina Warrior + Akali slowroll: Katarina, Shen, Akali, Nilah, Hecarim, Fiora, Kalista, Gwen,

Traits active: 6 Warrior, 3 Multistriker, 2 Pyro, 2 Faerie, , 2 Bastion

  • Carry units: Katarina, Akali
  • Tank: Shen, Nilah

Katarina + Wukong Two Tanky

  • Warrior Warrior
  • Faerie Faerie
  • Druid Druid
  • Preserver Preserver
  • Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • Bat Queen Bat Queen
  • Support Golem II
  • Giant and Mighty
  • Explosive Growth
  • Two Tanky
  • Impenetrable Bulwark
  • Radiant Relics
  • Balanced Budget

Katarina + Wukong Two Tanky team comp

Active champions: Katarina + Wukong Two Tanky: Katarina, Wukong, Fiora, Morgana, Rakan, Fiora, Kalista, Gwen,

Traits active: 2 Warrior, 2 Faerie, 2 Preserver, 1 Druid, 1 Bat Queen, 2 Witchcraft

  • Carry units: Katarina, Fiora
  • Tank: Wukong, Morgana

Items Katarina

Build items Katarina set 12 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Jeweled Gauntlet
Hand of Justice
Faerie Queen's Crown
0.44% 4.27 54.7% 11.8%
Jeweled Gauntlet
Faerie Queen's Crown
10.1% 4.26 55.4% 10.7%
Hand of Justice
Ionic Spark
Faerie Queen's Crown
1.49% 4.31 50.8% 8.71%

Synergie Katarina

Warrior Katarina Warrior

Warriors gain Omnivamp and Damage Amp. When Warriors drop below 40% health, they gain double Damage Amp.

  • (2) 10% Omnivamp, 10% Damage Amp
  • (4) 20% Omnivamp, 20% Damage Amp
  • (6) 30% Omnivamp, 30% Damage Amp
Faerie Katarina Faerie

Faeries gain Health and create special items that become stronger with trait tiers.

Choose a queen with the Faerie Crown which grants Damage Amp. Choose a loyal guard with the Glamoured Armor which grants healing based on the queen's damage.

  • (2) 100 Health, Crown 25% Damage Amp
  • (4) 400 Health, Crown 40% Damage Amp
  • (6) 600 Health, Crown 45% Damage Amp and gain Armor
  • (9) 850 Health, Crown 75% Damage Amp, Crown and Armor become Radiant

Gameplay Katarina

gameplay Katarina tft set 12 updating...

Above is the team comps Katarina set 12 Warrior lineup and build items Katarina tft patch 14.17 Faerie with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!