Build TFT Fated team comp Set 11

Guide build TFT Fated teams comps set 11: items, synergies, units, stats patch 14.14 and more.

Build TFT Fated team comp Set 11

Info Fated

Hover one Fated unit over another to form a pair and unlock a Fated Bonus. Your pair gains 20% HP.

  • (3) Pairs gets the Fated Bonus.
  • (5) All Fated champions get 120% of the Fated Bonus.
  • (7) All Fated champions get 250% of the Fated Bonus.
  • (10) All Fated Bonuses are activated at 300%.

Fated Units

  • Ahri(1 gold) - Arcanist - Fated
  • Yasuo(1 gold) - Duelist - Fated
  • Kindred(2 gold) - Reaper - Fated - Dryad
  • Thresh(3 gold) - Behemoth - Fated
  • Aphelios(3 gold) - Sniper - Fated
  • Syndra(4 gold) - Arcanist - Fated
  • Sett(5 gold) - Warden - Umbral - Fated

Fated team comps

Recommended Fated team comps set 11

Team comp 7 Fated

  • 7 Fated team comp champions: Ahri, Yasuo, Kindred, Thresh, Aphelios, Ashe, Syndra, Ornn, Sett
  • Core damage: Aphelios
  • Active: 7 Fated, 2 Dryad, 2 Arcanist, 2 Behemoth, 2 Sniper

Team comp Fated Syndra

  • Fated Syndra team comp champions: Ahri, Gnar, Kindred, Thresh, Annie, Syndra, Ornn, Azir, Sett
  • Core damage: Syndra
  • Active: 5 Fated, 4 Dryad, 2 Arcanist, 2 Warden, 2 Behemoth, 2 Invoker

How to play Fated

How to play Fated set 11 updating...

Fated Augments

Some augments Fated is chosen a lot and with hight win rate.

Fated CrownFated Crown

Gain a Fated Emblem, a Sunfire Cape, and a Kindred.

Fated CrestFated Crest

Gain a Fated Emblem and a Kindred.

Healing Orbs IIHealing Orbs II

When an enemy dies, the nearest ally is healed for 450.

Jeweled Lotus IIJeweled Lotus II

Your units' Abilities can critically strike. Your units gain 15% Critical Strike chance.

Items Fated

  • Ahri: Spear of shojin, Nashor's tooth, Jeweled gauntlet
  • Yasuo: Gargoyle stoneplate, Gargoyle stoneplate, Gargoyle stoneplate
  • Kindred: Blue buff, Morellonomicon, Jeweled gauntlet
  • Thresh: Dragon's claw, Bramble vest, Warmog's armor
  • Aphelios: Guinsoo's rageblade, Infinity edge, Giant slayer
  • Syndra: Blue buff, Jeweled gauntlet, Nashor's tooth
  • Sett: Bloodthirster, Titan's resolve, Hand of justice