Annie TFT set 4.5 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Annie tft set 4.5 fortune items, team comps and stats, synergies Annie mage patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Annie tft set 4.5
2 Vàng
  • Fortune Fortune
  • Mage Mage

Ability Annie

Burst Shield Mana: 0/65

Annie blasts a cone of fire, dealing magic damage to enemies in front of her, then creates a shield on herself for 8 seconds.

  • Damage: 250 / 350 / 450
  • Shield Amount: 500 / 700 / 900

Stats Annie

Annie dtcl Cost: 2 gold Origin: Fortune Class: Mage
Mana 0/65
Health 750 / 1350 / 2430
Armor 40
MR 40
Damage 45 / 81 / 146
DPS 27 / 49 / 88
Attack Speed 0.6
Range 2

Team comps Annie

Refer to some of the Annie set 4.5 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates. The Annie items you can combine flexibly for each game.

Annie team comps set 4.5 updating...

Items Annie

Build items Annie set 4.5 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Warmog's Armor
Gargoyle Stoneplate
39.2% 4.20 59.5% 5.59%
Warmog's Armor
Dragon's Claw
Bramble Vest
7.84% 4.07 61.6% 10.6%
Ionic Spark
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Warmog's Armor
6.88% 4.22 53.1% 4.97%

Synergie Annie

Mage Annie Mage

Mages cast twice and have modified Spell Power.

  • (3) +80% AP
  • (5) +105% AP
  • (7) +130% AP
  • (9) +190% AP, and Mages will cast their spells much more often

Fortune Annie Fortune

  • (3) Winning combat against a player will give bonus orbs. The longer you've gone without an orb, the bigger the payout!
  • (6) Wins give an extra bonus orb with rare loot.
  • (10) ...

Gameplay Annie

gameplay Annie tft set 4.5 updating...

Above is the team comps Annie set 4.5 Mage lineup and build items Annie tft patch 13.6 Fortune with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!