TFT set 13: Renni Chem Baron team comp build
Guide build Renni Chem Baron tft set 13 team comp, items, traits patch 14.24 new.
Renni Chem Baron overview
Chem Baron
- Core carry champion: RenataGlasc
- Core tank champion: Renni
- Second damage: Silco
- Second tank & add damage: Nunu
Renni Chem Baron units
Singed(1 gold): Sentinel - Chem Baron
Rell(2 gold): Sentinel - Conqueror - Visionary
Renata Glasc(2 gold): Chem Baron - Visionary
Nunu(3 gold): Bruiser - Visionary - Experiment
Smeech(3 gold): Ambusher - Chem Baron
Renni(3 gold): Bruiser - Chem Baron
Silco(4 gold): Chem Baron - Dominator
Heimerdinger(4 gold): Academy - Visionary
How to play Renni Chem Baron
Early Game Build
Renni Chem Baron team comp early game
Mid Game Build
Renni Chem Baron team comp mid game
Late Game Build
Renni Chem Baron Items priority
Item | Rank |
Spear of Shojin
4.39 |
Salvaged Revolver
Nashor's Tooth
4.23 |
Item | Rank |
Shimmer Bloom II
Warmog's Armor
4.28 |
Dragon's Claw
4.41 |
Item | Rank |
Spear of Shojin
4.39 |
4.13 |
Virulent Virus II
Item | Rank |
4.24 |
Steadfast Heart
4.19 |
Gargoyle Stoneplate
4.44 |
Renni Chem Baron Augments
Gain a Chem-Baron Emblem, a Nashor's Tooth, and a Smeech.
Gain a Visionary Emblem and a Renata Glasc.
Gain a Chem-Baron Emblem and a Renata Glasc.
Everytime you choose to save your Shimmer on a Black Market, heal 4 player health and gain 6 gold. Gain a Renni.