TFT Set 5.5 Champions List Pool update: Dawn of Heroes

All TFT Set 5.5 Champions List Pool Dawn of Heroes new update with ggmeo

All champions 5 gold tft set 5.5

All champions tft set 5.5


Deal physical Damage and heal for Health.

  • Damage: 250 / 300 / 375
  • Heal Amount: 250 / 300 / 375


Gragas drinks from a cask, gaining durability for 4 seconds. The next attack deals bonus magic damage.

  • Damage: 200 / 300 / 500
  • Durability: 40% / 55% / 55%


Hurls a spear towards the farthest enemy, dealing % of her Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage to the first enemy it hits. If it kills an enemy, the spear continues and will deal any excess damage to the next enemy it hits.

  • Damage %: 180% / 200% / 220% AD
  • Bonus Damage: 350 / 600 / 900


Slash the nearest enemy, deal magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent allies, deal damage instead.

  • Magic Damage: 250 / 375 / 560
  • Isolation Damage: 600 / 900 / 1350


Reduces all incoming damage by for 4 seconds.

  • Damage Reduction: 35 / 45 / 80


Passive: Attacks heal for Health. For every 1% of missing Health, gain 2% Attack Speed.

  • Attack Speed: 2% / 3% / 4%
  • Healing: 20 / 30 / 40


Throws a buckler at the farthest enemy that deals magic damage. The buckler returns, granting Shield.

  • Magic Damage: 160 / 240 / 360
  • Shield Amount: 300 / 325 / 375


Swaps between Turtle and Tiger stance with each cast, gaining the following benefits:

Turtle: Gain a Health shield for 4 seconds.

Tiger: The next attack strikes 3 times quickly for physical damage per strike.

  • Shield Amount: 300 / 350 / 450
  • Damage: 150% / 150% / 165% AD


Passive: Every third attack on the same target deals bonus true damage.

  • Bonus True Damage: 80 / 120 / 180


Deal magic damage to the current target and Heal Health.

  • Magic Damage: 250 / 375 / 600
  • Heal Amount: 200 / 250 / 325


Throws an arcane bomb at his target, dealing magic damage.

  • Magic Damage: 250 / 375 / 550


Passive: Every 4th attack deals physical damage.

Enter combat on Skaarl and gain a Shield for 80% of max Health. When it breaks, dismount and become Untargetable briefly, gaining 70% Attack Speed.

  • Passive Damage: 200% AD
  • Shield Amount: 80% AP
  • Attack Speed %: 70% / 80% / 110%


Launch black mist toward the farthest enemy. Stun the first enemy it hits for 1.25 / 1.25 / 1.5 seconds, and deal magic damage to all adjacent enemies.

  • Damage: 220 / 330 / 510
  • Stun Duration: 1.25 / 1.25 / 1.5


Brand launch a ball of fire at the nearest non-seared enemy, searing them for magic damage over 12 seconds. Seared enemies are Shredded.

  • Damage: 550 / 825 / 1500
  • Magic Resist Shred: 20% / 30% / 50%


Hecarim over the next 3 seconds, restore Health, and deal magic damage to adjacent enemies.

  • Damage: 200 / 375 / 600
  • Healing: 200 / 225 / 250


For 4 seconds, Active gains 30% Durability that increases by 10% each attacks, up to 80%. Then, strikes the current target for magic damage.

  • Damage: 250 / 400 / 650
  • Durability: 30% / 40% / 50%


Burst into flames and dash behind the current target, then the farthest enemy. Enemies passed through are dealt magic damage and stunned for 1.5 second.

  • Magic Damage: 150 / 225 / 350
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 second


Stun the target for 3 seconds and deal magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target receive 50% of this effect.

  • Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 750
  • Stun Duration: 3 / 4 / 5


Stun the current target for 2 seconds and deal magic damage. Then gain Frost Armor, granting Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds.

  • Magic Damage: 300 / 450 / 750
  • Stun Duration: 2 / 3 / 4
  • Armor and Magic Resist: 60 / 100 / 200


Calms the area around the enemy with the highest current percent Mana, dealing magic damage and Mana Reaving enemies within a 2-hex radius.

  • Damage: 180 / 270 / 405


Grabs the nearest enemy and flings them towards the farthest enemy, Upon landing, they are Stunned for 1.5 seconds and all adjacent enemies take magic damage.

  • Damage: 250 / 375 / 600
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 2 / 3


Hooks the farthest enemy with a chain scythe, dealing magic damage, Stunning and pulling them closer for 2 seconds.

  • Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 500
  • Duration: 2 / 2 / 3


Leaps away from enemies and gains Attack Speed for 4 seconds.

  • Attack Speed Percent: 120% / 130% / 140%


Fires a hail of arrows two-hex radius around the current target, Enemies take physical damage. Varus and allies within the radius deal bonus magic damage on attack for the next 6 seconds.

  • Damage: 150% / 155% / 165% AD
  • Magic Damage: 40 / 60 / 90


Leave a phantom at the current location, then dash behind the farthest enemy. After 1 second, the phantom returns to, dealing magic damage and stunning all enemies it passes through for 1.5 seconds.

  • Magic Damage: 150 / 225 / 325
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 2 / 3


After a brief wind up, punches forward in a cone, reducing enemies' armor for 10 seconds and dealing physical damage.

  • Flat Armor Reduction: 20 / 25 / 40
  • Percent of Attack Damage: 170% / 185% / 200% AD


Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and Stunning them. If the arrow travels at least 5 hexes, the Stun duration is doubles. Enemies within 1 hex receive 50% of these effects.

  • Damage: 300 / 450 / 750
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 1.5 / 2


Slams the ground, magic damage to nearby enemies and Chill 50% them for 4 seconds.

  • Damage: 250 / 375 / 600

Chill: Reduce Attack Speed


Enchants the 3 closet allies or enemis. Enchanted allies gain bonus Attack Speed for 5 seconds. Enchanted enemies are Stunned and transformed into a docile feline for 1.5 seconds, taking 20% increased damage.

  • Number of Targets: 3 / 4 / 5
  • Attack Speed %: 70% / 80% / 120%


Throw a wand to the farthest ally and then recall it. The wand gives Shield for each ally it passes for 3 seconds. The next attack deals an additional magic damage.

  • Shield Amount: 120 / 150 / 200
  • Magic Damage: 400 / 600 / 1000

Miss Fortune

Rains 4 waves of bullets down around the current target, dealing total damage to enemies within 2 hexes, and 50% Wounding them for 6 seconds.

  • Magic Damage: 250 / 375 / 600


Transforms into a cougar gaining Armor and Attack Speed, then leap behind the lowest Health enemy.

Every fourth attack deals bonus magic damage.

  • Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 600
  • Attack Speed: 30% / 50% / 75%
  • Armor: 30 / 50 / 75


Passive: Every 3rd attack, slash all adjacent enemies for 40/60/90 (AD/AP) and Heal for 100% of the damage dealt. If only 1 target is hit, Attack Speed increases by 35% for 3 seconds.


Bites the current target, dealing magic damage. If the target has less Health than Willump before the bite, deal additional 50% damage and becomes true damage.

  • Damage: 450 / 675 / 1100


Stun adjacent enemies for 1.5 seconds and deal magic damage. For the next 8 seconds, gain bonus Attack Damage.

  • Magic Damage: 120 / 180 / 300
  • Bonus Attack Damage: 90 / 100 / 115


Strikes the target, dealing magic damage. Yasuo then empowers his blade, gaining stacking bonus true damage on-hit for the rest of combat.

  • Magic Damage: 250 / 350 / 550
  • Bonus True Damage: 20 / 25 / 40


Sends a surge of vines toward the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage and Stunning all enemies they hit.

  • Damage: 200 / 300 / 525
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 1.5 / 2


Deal magic damage to the current target, then Heal all nearby allies for 30% of their missing Health, with an increased radius if the enemy dies.

  • Magic Damage: 350 / 500 / 800
  • Healing: 30% / 40% / 50%


Diana draw in all nearby enemie within a 3-hex radius. dealing magic damage and stunning them for 2 seconds.

  • Damage: 280 / 420 / 1600
  • Stun Duration: 2 / 2 / 8


Passive: Draven ignores 50% of the current target's Armor.

Active: Draven spin an axe, empowering the next attack to deal bonus physical damage. It will return to Draven's original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again.

Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.

  • Percent of Attack Damage: 200% / 210% / 420% AD
  • Bonus Damage: 50 / 75 / 225


After a brief delay, Fiddlesticks teleport behind the target and summons a murder of crows with a 3-hex radius for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage per second to all enemis within. Each enemy death within the flock extends its duration by 1 second and heals Fiddlesticks for 25% of their max Health.

  • Damage: 150 / 200 / 750


Galio charges the surrounding area for 2.5 seconds, Taunting all enemies within while gaining Durability. Upon releasing the charge, deal magic damage to all enemies within 3 hexes and heals for 60% of the damage blocked.

  • Damage: 200 / 300 / 1500
  • Durability: 55% / 60% / 95%
  • Healing Percentage: 60%


Slams the current target for physical Damage and gains stacking Attack Speed for the remainder of combat. Leaps to the nearest enemy if no target is in Attack Range.

  • Percent of Attack Damage: 220% / 240% / 500%
  • Attack Speed: 20% / 30% / 100%


Fires a burst of energy at a random enemy that deals magic damage to adjacent enemies and reduces Max Mana by 15 (down to a min of 10).

Every 3rd cast is empowered and bursts towards 3 different targets instead of 1.

  • Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 900
  • Mana Cost Reduction: 15 / 15 / 40


Arpeggio: Fire 14 + 1 per 20% bonus Attack Speed shots towards the furthest enemy. Each shot explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing %AD+ %AP physical damage to all nearby enemies and reducing their Armor for the rest of combat.

If Arpeggio ends early, gain Mana based on the number of unused shots.

Lucian Headliner Effect: +10% AD, Arepeggio fires an additional 3 shots.

  • Armor Reduction: 3 / 5 / 20
  • AP Damage: 20% / 30% / 100%
  • AD Damage: 60% / 60% / 1000%


Over 3 seconds, deal magic damage targeting the enemy nearest the center of the battlefield. The beam widens over the duration.

  • Magic Damage: 700 / 1050 / 4000


Ivern summons the sentinel, Daisy, who receives 100% of Ivern's Ability Power and immediately casts Shockwave upon arrival.

If Daisy is already in battle, Ivern increases her Ability Power and commands her to cast Shockwave again.

  • Daisy Health: 1600 / 2600 / 10000
  • Secondary Ability Power Bonus: 100 / 150 / 300
  • Shockwave DAmage: 250 / 350 / 1200
  • Shockwave Stun Duration: 0.5 / 0.5 / 6


Aphelios launches 5 attacks, one at the target and the rest at the enemies, dealing physical damage to each.

  • Percent of Attack Damage: 350% / 375% / 450%
  • Number of Targets: 5 / 5 / 10
  • Bonus Damage: 150 / 200 / 500


Leaps into the air and creates a tether to the farthest ally. Upon landing, the tether breaks and Stuns all nearby enemies in its path for 1.5 seconds. Nearby allies gain a Shield for 4 seconds.

  • Shield Amount: 300 / 450 / 3000
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 / 2 / 8


Garen calls down a sword that strikes 3 hexes around his target, dealing % of each target's max Health in magic damage and Shredding them for 8 seconds.

Garen gains a shield equal to % of his maximum Health for 5 seconds.

  • Percentage of Maximum Health Damage: 20% / 30% / 400%
  • Shield Amount: 30% / 30% / 200%


Heimerdinger empowers the Baby Dragon to launch 3 fireballs across the battlefield that deal magic damage, burning enemies for 18% of their max Health as true damage, and 50% Wound them over 6 seconds.

If Heimerdinger does not have a Baby Dragon, this Ability will create one instead.

Wound: Reduce healing received

  • Magic Damage: 400 / 600 / 3333


Passive: Kayle ascends every 5 seconds. Each bonus stacks with the previous, until full ascension.

  • 1st: Attacks deal % of Kayle's Attack Damage as bonus true damage.
  • 2nd: Attacks explode, dealing the same damage to adjacent enemies.
  • 3rd: Every 12th attack grants immunity to damage for 1 second.
  • 4th: Attacks cause swords to rain down around the target, dealing magic damage.

Seconds per Ascension: 5 / 5 / 1

  • 1st Ascension Percent of Attack Damage: 50% / 60% / 1000% AD
  • 4th Ascension Area Damage: 90 / 150 / 4000


Scatters Infernal Souls around a random enemy. When an enemy nears an Infernal Soul (or after 3 seconds), it explodes, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and 50% Chills them for 3 seconds.

  • Magic Damage: 120 / 160 / 666
  • Infernal Souls: 5 / 6 / 42


Leaps towards the current target and slam the ground. Enemis within a 3-hex radius are Stunned for 2 seconds and take magic damage. This damage is doubled against shielded targets.

  • Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 5000
  • Stun Duration: 2 / 3 / 20


Passive: Akshan Sunder any enemies hit for 4 seconds.

Active: Akshan launch and swings untargetably from a grappling hook toward the farthest enemy, gaining Attack Speed for 4 seconds. While swinging, continue attacking the nearest enemy at double Attack Speed.

Sunder: Reduce Armor by 50%

  • Attack Speed %: 60% / 70% / 400%


Corrupts the soul of a target for 5 seconds, Stunning them and dealing magic damage that increases by 50% each second. Viego will be interrupted if he is stunned.

If the victim dies, they resurrect at full Health to fight for him, but lose 10% of their max Health per second. Resurrected enemies receive the Trait bonuses of Viego's team instead of their own.

  • Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 2000
  • Resurrected Health loss per second: 10% / 5% / 0%


Gwen dash around her target and performs 3 rapid snips in a cone in front, each dealing base damage plus % of the target’s maximum Health as magic damage. Snips steal Armor and Magic resist from their target.

Gwen will perform double the snips in every other cast.

  • Magic Damage: 125 / 200 / 2222
  • % Health as Damage: 4% / 7% / 50%
  • Armor and Magic Resist : 2 / 2 / 11