Gwen TFT set 5.5 : Build Items, team Comps and more

Guide build Gwen tft set 5.5 inanimate items, team comps and stats, synergies Gwen mystic patch 13.6 with ggmeo.

Gwen tft set 5.5
  • Inanimate Inanimate
  • Mystic Mystic

Ability Gwen 5.5

Xén Xén Mana: 0/20

Gwen dash around her target and performs 3 rapid snips in a cone in front, each dealing base damage plus % of the target’s maximum Health as magic damage. Snips steal Armor and Magic resist from their target.

Gwen will perform double the snips in every other cast.

  • Magic Damage: 125 / 200 / 2222
  • % Health as Damage: 4% / 7% / 50%
  • Armor and Magic Resist : 2 / 2 / 11

Stats Gwen 5.5

Gwen dtcl Cost: 5 gold Origin: Inanimate Class: Mystic
Mana 0/20
Health 1200 / 2160 / 3888
Armor 60
MR 60
Damage 60 / 90 / 135
DPS 54 / 81 / 122
Attack Speed 0.9
Range 2

Team comps Gwen 5.5

Refer to some of the Gwen set 5.5 team comps that are used a lot and have high win rates.

Gwen Mystic Ironclad + Jax

  • Mystic Mystic
  • Ironclad Ironclad
  • Revenant Revenant
  • Knight Knight
  • Inanimate Inanimate
  • Victorious Victorious
  • Mystic Crown
  • Mystic Crest
  • Ironclad Crest

Gwen Mystic Ironclad + Jax team comp

Active champions: Gwen Mystic Ironclad + Jax: Gwen, Rell, Jax, Fiddlesticks, Nautilus, Lulu, Lux, Ivern, Garen

Traits active: 4 Mystic, 3 Ironclad, 2 Knight, 2 Revenant, 1 Victorious, 1 Inanimate

  • Carry units: Gwen, Jax
  • Tank: Rell, Fiddlesticks

Items Gwen 5.5

Build items Gwen set 5.5 Pick Avg.Rank Top 4 Win
Hand of Justice
Ionic Spark
Jeweled Gauntlet
% % %
Blue Buff
Jeweled Gauntlet
% % %
Jeweled Gauntlet
Hand of Justice
% % %

Synergie Gwen 5.5

Mystic Gwen Mystic

Your team gains Magic Resist.

  • (2) 30 MR
  • (3) 60 MR
  • (4) 120 MR
  • (5) 180 MR
Inanimate Gwen Inanimate

(1) Combat start: Gwen summons Harrowing Mist in all adjacent hexes surrounding them for 8 seconds, granting all allies within 33% Durability while they remain within it.

Gameplay Gwen 5.5

gameplay Gwen tft set 5.5 updating...

Above is the team comps Gwen set 5.5 Mystic lineup and build items Gwen tft patch 13.6 Inanimate with the latest statistics updated by ggmeo, thank you!